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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Dan Hansen Dato 13 Jan 2015 - 06:56

Titel: Esther Albrechtsen b. 24 Jan 1904
Indlæg af: Dan Hansen Dato 13 Jan 2015 - 06:56
I am trying to find information about my fraternal grandmather (min Farmor). She was born Esther Albrechtsen at Den Kongelige Fødselsstiftelse in Copenhagen on 24 Jan 1904. Her mother was 24 years old at the time of her birth and was assigned No 92 by the clinic.

I have found her birth record at Den Kongelige Fødselsstiftelse.


I have no information about her early life but the first record I have of her as an adult is her marriage to my grandfather, Valdemar Laurits Hansen (b. 16 Jan 1895 Lynge, Denmark; d. 18 Nov 1969 Hillerød, Denmark)


I also have church records of the birth of her two known sons (my uncle, Orla and my father, Valde).


The only census record I have for her is the 1925 Hillerød Overdrevet where she was living with my grandfather, my uncle (Orla) and my father (Valde).


My father told me that he believes that after her divorce with my grandfather she moved to Sweden.

I am keen to hear of any information about Esther.

Thank you in advance.
Titel: Sv: Esther Albrechtsen b. 24 Jan 1904
Indlæg af: Torben Bundgaard Dato 13 Jan 2015 - 08:17

When I tried to find something about Esther I found a census from 1930 with your grandfather and his two sons. There is also an unnamed girl born 18-08-1930. He is separated and have a girl (19 years old) to help in the household.

www.sa.dk, census, Hillerød, Jægersgade 49, opslag 45

Have you seen this census?

Torben Bundgaard

Titel: Sv: Esther Albrechtsen b. 24 Jan 1904
Indlæg af: Eva Morfiadakis Dato 13 Jan 2015 - 10:12


I can´t find her death in Sweden.

Eva M
Titel: Sv: Esther Albrechtsen b. 24 Jan 1904
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 13 Jan 2015 - 11:37

Unfortunately, there is no more info in the Main Protocol of Fødselsstiftelsen:


Esther's mother left Fødselsstiftelsen 3 Feb. 1904, together with the child.

The mother gave birth anonymously and did not reveal her identity to Fødselsstiftelsen.

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Titel: Sv: Esther Albrechtsen b. 24 Jan 1904
Indlæg af: Dan Hansen Dato 13 Jan 2015 - 19:14
Hi Torben,

Yes I have seen the 1930 census. I know that between 1925 and 1930 my grandparents divorced and my grandfather remarried. The unnamed girl is my father's half sister.

My father claims his mother once came to visit him at his school but never heard from her after that.
Titel: Sv: Esther Albrechtsen b. 24 Jan 1904
Indlæg af: Dan Hansen Dato 17 Jan 2015 - 20:11
Hi Eva,

What website do you use to look for people's deaths in Sweden? Did you try looking under both Esther Albrechtsen and Esther Hansen? What would happen if she had remarried and had taken a new surname?

Hi Inger,

I had seen that record from the Fødselsstiftelsen but did not realise that it meant that she had left with the baby. Thanks for interpreting that for me.


Titel: Sv: Esther Albrechtsen b. 24 Jan 1904
Indlæg af: Eva Morfiadakis Dato 17 Jan 2015 - 23:43

I have got a bought CD with deaths in Sweden. I searched for Esther/Ester born in 1904 in Denmark.

What ever last name she had, she would have appeared. The database is not complete as to deaths that occurred before 1947. After 1947 it should be complete.

Eva M