Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 28 Sep 2014 - 23:20

Titel: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 28 Sep 2014 - 23:20
Could I get some help with the transcription and translation of this entry:


It is the first entry after Anno 1783

I have

Dom ? ? født Lars Jacobsen
? Maren Peders Datter i
Vindebæk (and then I'm not sure of the rest of it)

Dom 4th post

Thank you,

Titel: Sv: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Lis B. Jensen Dato 28 Sep 2014 - 23:43
Hi Ric

I read it like this
Dom ? Januar født Lars Jacobsen
Hustru Maren Peders Datter i
Vindebæk et drengebarn, som i ??
?? ?? blev hiemmedøbr kaldt
Peder Hvilke døde, da det var
4 Dage gammelt

Dom 4th post
Titel: Sv: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 29 Sep 2014 - 00:43
Thanks, Lis.  Does that say he died at 4 days old?
Titel: Sv: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 29 Sep 2014 - 00:50
I read:

Dom 1ste Januar fødte Lars Jacobs
Hustrue Maren Peders Daatter i
Vindelbye et Drengebarn, som i Livs
fare strax blev hiem͞edøbt, kaldet
Peder, hvilket døde, da det var
4e Dage gam͞elt

Sunday, January first, Lars Jacobsen's
wife Maren Pedersdatter
in Vindelby gave birth to a son, who was
quickly baptized as in danger of dying and named
Peder, and who died four days old.

Titel: Sv: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 29 Sep 2014 - 01:06
Thank you, Ralph.
Titel: Sv: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 29 Sep 2014 - 06:27
That year the first of January was a Wednesday so the first Sunday was the 5th.  Does one of those two dates seem more likely with what is written?

Titel: Sv: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 29 Sep 2014 - 07:58

I read: Den 1ste Januar.... 'January 1st'

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Titel: Sv: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Jørgen Thue Pedersen Dato 29 Sep 2014 - 15:34

Because Ralph has changed "Vindebæk" into "Vindelbye", I feel that I have to write, that "Vindebek" (=Vindebæk) is what it says!!

Jeg læser :
Den 1ste Januar fødte Lars Jacobs(ens)
Hustrue Maren Peders Datter i
Vindebek et Drengebarn, som i Livs
Fare strax blev hiem(m)edøbt, kaldet
Peder, hvilket døde, da det var
4re Dage gam(m)elt

til højre:
Dom 4ta post


Titel: Sv: Help with transcription/translation
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 04 Okt 2014 - 23:56
Thank you, Inger & Jørgen.