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Titel: Danish help needed on Dorthe birth & marriage entries
Indlæg af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 14 Feb 2011 - 05:41
I have located the birth entry for the 3rd wife of my 4th Great Grandfather at AO 1735-1762 Nors-Tved Hillerslev Thisted opslag 22 #1745 first entry. I am not sure of my transcription which is as follows:

Dom. Sept(uagesima) (Feb 14, 1745): døbt Fris ???? og Maren Chris=
tensdatter Barn i ???ding kaldet Dorthe. Sucsep
Anders ?elsen, Peder ???olbek, Niels Fredrick, Christens
sen Kiærs Hustrue i ??? og Bodel Andresdatter i ???

Someone's review and corrections would be appreciated..Especially the Father's name..if given...Thank you.


Their marriage (7 Oct 1774) is found at AO 1759-1781 Tved Hillerslev Thisted img 52 pg 27A Top entry for Niels Nielsen and Dorthe Christensdatter

No 4: d 7de Octobris blev Enhemanden Niels Niel=
=sen fra Tved Sogn og Dorthe Christensdatter
af Shaarled (sp ???) (???)ite copulerede i Shaarslee Kir=
=ke vend Kougt (sp ???) Allarnardigken (sp ???) Broilgining (sp ???)
af 29d July A: C: udrie forngrannde ???=
=??? og ??? af ??? for??? ware Christen Christensen af Shaar=
=sled og ??? Nielsen af Chaarup.

Meaning of A: C: ???
(sp means I am not sure of my spelling)

Again, someone's review and corrections would be appreciated..Thank you.

These two entries raise the following question: If a father's name is given in her birth entry why does she use Dorthe Christensdatter as her name in the marriage entry???

Titel: Sv: Danish help needed on Dorthe birth & marriage entries
Indlæg af: Ruth Steenberg Rasmussen Dato 14 Feb 2011 - 12:06
Hi Lynn

Dom. Sept. døbt Jens Frøkiærs og Maren Chris=
tensdatter Barn i Vording kaldet Dorthe. Suscep:
Anders Jebsen, Peder Tholbøl, Niels Frøkiær, Christens
sen Frøkiærs Hustrue i  Øster Vandet og Bodel Andresdatter i

Vording is now Vorring
Found Peder Tolbøl as suscep. on opslag 35, where his name is easy to read ;D

Please write opslag for the marriage. I cannot find it.


Titel: Sv: Danish help needed on Dorthe birth & marriage entries
Indlæg af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 14 Feb 2011 - 13:34
Oops my mistake should have been 1770-1814 Sjørring-Torsted Hundborg Thisted img 52 pg 27A Top

See attached section of page...Thank you

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: Danish help needed on Dorthe birth & marriage entries
Indlæg af: Ruth Steenberg Rasmussen Dato 14 Feb 2011 - 15:25
That was better, but are you sure its the same Dorthe?  - I would not think so.
This Dorthe is from Taarsted (Torsted) and one of the bestmen are Christen Christensen from Taarsted, probably her father.

Titel: Sv: Danish help needed on Dorthe birth & marriage entries
Indlæg af: Ruth Steenberg Rasmussen Dato 14 Feb 2011 - 15:29
- and Jens Frøkiærs daughter would be Dorthe Jensdatter, not Dorthe Christensdatter.
Titel: Sv: Danish help needed on Dorthe birth & marriage entries
Indlæg af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 14 Feb 2011 - 17:53

Once I received your reply with the father's name I began to feel the same way. That is why I appreciated this Forum greatly. Everyone provides help and great information.

I felt I needed the information on the marriage so that I could confirm my conclusion and the reason for asking Dorthe's last name question.

Again...Thank you....
Titel: Sv: Danish help needed on Dorthe birth & marriage entries
Indlæg af: Ruth Steenberg Rasmussen Dato 14 Feb 2011 - 22:04
You are welcome