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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Hansine Dato 18 Jun 2014 - 16:07

Titel: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Hansine Dato 18 Jun 2014 - 16:07
Can I please ask for help in finding the death record for Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen?

She was born on 26 September 1823 and christened on 21 December 1823 in Rudkøbing parish (1822 - 1832, Opslag 20, 1824, Record 2).

She was vaccinated on 6 July 1824.

She is in the 1834 census in Rudkøbing with her parents Jørgen Poulsen and Karen Hansdatter.

She was confirmed in Easter 1838.

She married Morten Jensen Kjær on 24 February 1843 in Rudkøbing parish (1832-1845, 1843, Opslag 133, Record 1).

She is in the 1845 census in Rudkøbing with her husband Morten.

She is then in the 1850 census in Rørvig with husband Morten.

She is recorded in the 1855, 1860, 1870 census in Vestervig with her husband Morten.

The last record I have of Hansine is in the 1880 census living with her daughter Cathinka Rebækka Kjær, as her husband Morten died on 21 February 1878 in Harboøre parish (1842 - 1891, Opslag 46, Record 2).

Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Flemming Kristensen Dato 18 Jun 2014 - 19:01
Hello Hansine and other

Some of Morten Jensen Kiær Family, I have in my pedigree. Here's is all what I have.

Med venlig hilsen
Flemming Kristensen

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 18 Jun 2014 - 21:58
Hi Hansine,

Do you know where Hansine and Morten Kjær's children settled? Maybe Hansine moved to live with one of her children after her husband died.

Best regards,
Inger T.
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Hansine Dato 20 Jun 2014 - 09:24
Hi Inger and Flemming

Flemming - thanks so much for your data file - it is incredible!

Inger - Unfortunately I have not been able to find much information about Morten and Hansine's children other than Christian (who went to Australia).  I am assuming that maybe Hansine continued to stay with her daughter Cathinka in Harbooøre after 1880 but it is possible she went to live with her other nine children too.
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 20 Jun 2014 - 11:04
Hi Hansine,

Ringkøbing, Vandfuld, Harboør, , En Huus, [21] 5, FT-1880, C2009
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Pos. in household:      Occupation:      Birth place:
Hansine Pouelsen    56    Enke    Huusmoder, lever af sin Pension       Rudkjøbing paa Langeland
Chathinka Rebækka Kjær    30    Ugift    hendes Barn       Rudkjøbing paa Langeland
Jens Christian Kjær    12    Ugift    hendes Barn       Westervig Sogn, Thisted Amt
Hanne Dorthea Kjær    4    Ugift    Huusmoderens Datters Barn       her i Sognet
Marius Kjær    1    Ugift    Huusmoderens Datters Barn       her i Sognet

I cannot find Hansine, her daughter Cathinka Rebekka, or Cathinka's children in the 1890 census for Harboøre,
which is transcribed and indexed at ddd.dda.dk

I looked for Hansine's death 1880 - 1890 in Harboøre parish, but didn't find her.

But I found her youngest son in the 1890 census:

Ringkøbing, Vandfuld, Harboør, Bruuns og Kirkeby, , 8, FT-1890, C2127
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Pos. in household:      Occupation:      Birth place:
Jens Christensen Kj'r    23    Gift    Husfader    Skomager    Oxenbole Sogn, Thisted Amt
Mette Kjerstine Kj'r    27    Gift    Husmoder    Hustru    Harboore Sogn, Ringkjobing Amt
Peder Christensen    5    Ugift    Son    Son    Harboore Sogn, Ringkjobing Amt
Marie Hansine Kj'r    2    Ugift    Datter    Datter    Harboore Sogn, Ringkjobing Amt

His birth 8 Sep. 1866: Vestervig, Refs, Thisted 1860-1869, opslag 31, no 20.

His marriage 1887: Harboøre, Vandfuld, Ringkøbing 1882-1891, opslag 40, no 3.

At the baptism of Marie Hansine 1888 there are no witnesses from the father's family:
Harboøre 1883-1891, opslag 65, no 3.

Peder Kristensen is not son of Jens Christensen Kjær: Harboøre 1883-1891, opslag 7, no 15.

Best regards,
Inger T.
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 20 Jun 2014 - 11:43
Hi again,

Censuses with Hansine and her children:


I found the daughter Rasmine Amalie in the 1880 census for Skive:

Viborg, Hindborg, Skive Købstad, Østergade, Nr. 52 - Forhus, stuen, 339 - F1, FT-1880, D3844
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Pos. in household:      Occupation:      Birth place:
Holger Glud    38    Gift    Gæstgiver       Vildbjerg Sogn, Ringkøbing Amt
Philippa Andrea Glud, f. Rasmussen    38    Gift    Hans Kone       Grønhøj, Slagelse
Anna Marie Augusta Glud    7    Ugift    Deres Datter       Fur Sogn, Viborg Amt
Ingeborg Glud    6    Ugift    Deres Datter       Fur Sogn, Viborg Amt
Marie Glud    4    Ugift    Deres Datter       Skive
Hans Jacob Glud    2    Ugift    Deres Søn       Skive
Thor Thorsen    22    Ugift    Tjenestekarl       Rybjerg Sogn, Viborg Amt
Hoffmann Villadsen    41    Ugift    Tjenestekarl       Skive Landsogn, Viborg Amt
Niels Christian Christensen    28    Ugift    Tjenestekarl       Skive Landsogn, Viborg Amt
Niels Martin Dyhr    20    Ugift    Opvarter       Horsens
Niels Mikkelsen    15    Ugift    Opvarter       Skive
Christine Christensen    26    Ugift    Jomfru       Kisum, Estvad Sogn, Ringkøbing Amt
Anine Petersen    26    Ugift    Husjomfru       Torning Sogn, Viborg Amt
Else Petersen    22    Ugift    Tjenestepige       Nautrup Sogn, Viborg Amt
Inger Marie Nielsen    29    Ugift    Tjenestepige       Volling Sogn, Viborg Amt
Rasmine Amalie Kjær    18    Ugift    Tjenestepige       Vestervig Sogn, Thisted Amt
Petrine Margrethe Benzen    19    Ugift    Tjenestepige       Skive
Marie Jensen    22    Ugift    Tjenestepige       Tørring Sogn, Ringkøbing Amt

Another daughter, married:

Viborg, Nørre, Lyby, Bostrup By, Et Hus, 16, FT-1880, D3837
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Pos. in household:      Occupation:      Birth place:
L. Laursen    30    Gift    Husfader, Gartner       Høgild, Resen Sogn, Viborg Amt
Pouline Jørgine Kjær    26    Gift    Husmoder       Agger Sogn, Thisted Amt
Martin Kjær Laursen    2    Ugift    Deres Barn       Bostrup, Lyby Sogn, Viborg Amt
Eleonore Marie Hansine Laursen    Under 1 år    Ugift    Deres Barn       Bostrup, Lyby Sogn, Viborg Amt

Many 1890 censuses are not yet transcribed and indexed at ddd.dda.dk

Inger T.
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 20 Jun 2014 - 12:45
Hi Hansine,

She died 10 Mar. 1890 in Skive: Skive, Hindborg, Viborg 1881-1891, opslag 55, no 7.

Hansine Kjær f. Poulsen
Enke efter Toldassistent Morten Kjær
af Skive
66 Aar

- Skive, Hindborg, Viborg 1881-1891, opslag 55, no 7.

The 1890 census for Skive Købstad is not on ddd.dda.dk.

You find it at http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside/find_folketallinger
Årgang: 1890
Stedbetegnelse: Købstad
Amt: Viborg
Købstad: Skive
Gade: ?

Best regards,
Inger T.
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Hansine Dato 20 Jun 2014 - 14:32

You are wonderful!  You have found so much information for me - thank you.

After your information, I just googled the Skive cemetery, and I found the headstone for her daughter Rasmine at Skive's Church of Our Lady at www.danskkgindex.dk/skive/skive_visbilled.php?img=/skive/pics_12_13/P1010369.jpg

I tried to see if Hansine was also buried at Skive Church of Our Lady, but I could not find a listing for her.  I am guessing it is possible, but she may also be buried in one of the other Skive churches.
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 20 Jun 2014 - 14:59

The new church (the "red" church") in Skive was constructed 1896-1898:

- so Hansine probably was buried at Vor Frue Kirke in Skive (the "white church"):

Best regards,
Inger T.
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Hansine Dato 23 Jun 2014 - 13:49
I have another question!  And it might be a silly question.

Can someone please let me know - if Hansine was born and christened in the parish of Rudkøbing (Rudkøbing Parish, 1822 - 1832, Opslag 20, 1824, Record 2) - how can I know which church that is?  Is there only one parish church for Rudkøbing?

I found the following Rudkøbing Church address:
Rudkøbing Kirke
Kirkepladsen 1
5900 Rudkøbing

Is it possible there would have been another church in the Rudkøbing area?
Titel: Sv: Hansine Kjær nee Poulsen - death?
Indlæg af: Helmer Christiansen Dato 23 Jun 2014 - 15:34
No, there was only one (lutheran) church in the small town of Rudkøbing and no other churches. Before 1849 there were no freedom of religion in Denmark. It was compulsory to be christened and member of the Danish National Church. The church goes back to the middle ages.