Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Patricia Goldsmith Dato 26 Jan 2011 - 00:23

Titel: Finding Larsen/Olsen familyH
Indlæg af: Patricia Goldsmith Dato 26 Jan 2011 - 00:23
Hi my name is Patricia, and I am planing a trip to
Denmark this coming Sept. My G. Grandfather
was Hans Larsen, born 9/28/1839 in Tikob his
father was Lars Olsen, his mother was Inger
Pedersdatter. His brother Ole Henrick Larsen he
died in 1845/46 ? I believe the service was at St.
Mary's in Fredricksborg. Lars father I believe was
Ole Jorgensen and Ingers father was Peder Bentsen.
Hans immigrated to the U.S. and fought in the Civil
War. I have always wanted to know if there are any
descendants I could find in Denmark of the above
family. Also I would LOVE to find the headstones of
my ancestors, I would appreciate any help you could
offer as to finding people or where my family could be
buried. I have been doing research for over 2 years now.
Thanks again , Patricia Larsen Goldsmith
Titel: Sv: Finding Larsen/Olsen familyH
Indlæg af: Niels Bjøreng Dato 26 Jan 2011 - 00:36
You are in the wrong Forum.

Try AneEfterlysning.

Venlig hilsen

Niels Bjøreng
Titel: Sv: Finding Larsen/Olsen familyH
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 26 Jan 2011 - 01:00

Please place your posting in "Find your relatives in Denmark" .. that's where people try to help English speaking persons.
