Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Sandra Telford Dato 29 Sep 2013 - 07:28

Titel: van Beverhoudt - Danish West Indies archives
Indlæg af: Sandra Telford Dato 29 Sep 2013 - 07:28
Hello - thanks for this site.  I am looking for birth details and parents names of Johannes van Beverhodut EZ (EZ means Engel's son) born about 1763 in the Danish West Indies - not sure which island.  This record would probably be in the church books from the Danish West Indies - can anyone help me find this information?  Thank You from Western Australia
Titel: Sv: van Beverhoudt - Danish West Indies archives
Indlæg af: Eva Morfiadakis Dato 29 Sep 2013 - 18:31
His name sounds more Dutch to me than Danish. In St Thomas there was a Dutch church. There are no birth records from the time he was born. Perhaps you can find a marriage record.


Eva M
Titel: Sv: van Beverhoudt - Danish West Indies archives
Indlæg af: Heidi Ilsoee Dato 02 Okt 2013 - 15:09
Check out this site. It is about van Beverhoudt Family on the Virgin Islands, maybe your Johannes is here. The pages are in English.


I agree with Eva that the name sounds more Dutch than Danish. In the first two paragraphs it says that the Family originally comes from Holland/Netherland (Dutch) but that the Danish council asked if he wanted to stay on the Island. Maybe he had connection to denmark through the wife.

How do you know, that he was born about 1763?
Do you know who he married?

Titel: Sv: van Beverhoudt - Danish West Indies archives
Indlæg af: Kaj Arne Jørgensen Dato 02 Okt 2013 - 15:32
May be you can get some help from David Lynch on this site

Titel: Sv: van Beverhoudt - Danish West Indies archives
Indlæg af: David Dato 05 Okt 2013 - 01:27
Sandra, please contact me at paradise200blog@verizon.net.  I have done a lot of research into the van Beverhoudts of St Thomas and St Croix.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure who you are looking for.  Can you provide me the information you know, including how you get back to him?

There was a Johannes van Beverhoudt EZ who was the Royal Bookkeeper in St Croix at around that time.  Perhaps this is the same person.