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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Paul Olesen Dato 20 Mar 2013 - 16:41

Titel: Translation please of Rønnebæk 1855 Opslag 55 nr 1
Indlæg af: Paul Olesen Dato 20 Mar 2013 - 16:41
I would like a translation of Peder Sørensen's  Confirmation  Prætø, Hammer, Rønnebæk  1855 Opslag 55 nr 1
Peder Sørensen was my Great grandfather.
Thank you for your help
Titel: Sv: Translation please of Rønnebæk 1855 Opslag 55 nr 1
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 21 Mar 2013 - 04:25
Overlapping parish register dates.  It's best to give the years, occasionally the record type, of the parish register.

This matches his birth record.  It gives us new information, his performance in confirmation studies and conduct, i.e. excellent and good respectively, and his smallpox vaccination as July 17, 1841.  A usual guess when no date is given for confirmation is the Sunday after Easter.