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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Kirsten Knudsen Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 02:43

Titel: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: Kirsten Knudsen Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 02:43
I would greatly appreciate help in locating information about my ancestor Peter Kino (spelling?) Knudsen. I found in his records that he was born in Horsens (?) on April 19 1863. He came to America in 1883 and married Jensina Olsen in 1890 in Helena, Montana, USA. I have been told he had one brother who was a member of the palace guards who did not leave Denmark. In stories of the family he is referred to as Papa Tune (spelling?) and his Sena as Mama Tune. I believe his wife Sena was from Norway, but I would love to know the names of his parents and brother.
Thank you and god bless.
Kirsten Knudsen
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 04:18
Skanderborg, Nim, Underup, Underup By, , Et Hus, 25, FT-1880

Name:   Age:   Marital status:   Occupation in household:   Occupation:   Birth place:
Jens Peter Knudsen   47   Gift   Huseier, Møllebygger      Aale Sogn, Skanderborg Amt
Ane Margrethe Kristensen   46   Gift   hans Kone      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Knud Kristian Knudsen   22   Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Peter Kingo Knudsen   16   Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Mikkel Knudsen   12   Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Ane Mette Knudsen   10   Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Frederikke Kristiane Knudsen   7   Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Ellen Kjerstine Knudsen   19   Ugift   Møllebygger Jens P. Knudsens Datter !!      Underup Sogn

His birth record can be found 1851-1875 Underup, Nim, Skanderborg ops 34.   Born on Apr 16, 1863 and christened Aug 23. 
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 04:44
Hi Kirsten,

I think it could be this family:

Skanderborg, Nim, Underup, Underup By, Et Hus, 25, FT-1880, D3774
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      Birth place:
Jens Peter Knudsen   47    Gift   Huseier, Møllebygger      Aale Sogn, Skanderborg Amt
Ane Margrethe Kristensen   46    Gift   hans Kone      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Knud Kristian Knudsen   22    Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Peter Kingo Knudsen   16    Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Mikkel Knudsen   12    Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Ane Mette Knudsen   10    Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Frederikke Kristiane Knudsen   7    Ugift   deres Børn      Her i Sognet [ Underup]
Ellen Kjerstine Knudsen   19    Ugift   Møllebygger Jens P. Knudsens Datter !!      Underup Sogn

The info is from the transcribed censuses at http://ddd.dda.dk/ddd_en.htm.

In Denmark, there are two parishes (da sogn) called Horsens, one in Aalborg (Ålborg) county (da amt), and one in Skanderborg amt. Please refer to this map of the counties (da amt) http://www.dis-danmark.dk/kort/kort.htm. Click Skanderborg, and you'll see that Underup sogn is in the same district (da herred) as Horsens - Nim Herred. Horsens was the closest town, so that's probably why Peter has given Horsens as his birth place.

His birth record 16 April 1863 can be found in the church records at ArkivalierOnline http://www.sa.dk/ao/.
- Amt: Skanderborg, Herred: Nim, Sogn: Underup, 1851-1875, opslag 34, # 4.

Emigration info for Peter Kingo Knudsen found at
http://www.aalborgkommune.dk/borgerportal/applikationer/udvandrer/SoegpostEngelsk.asp (just type Name Kingo):

ID Code   V7984A3377    
Last place of residence   ?    
Date of registration   03-04-1883 [3 April 1883]
Name   Knudsen, Peter Kingo    
Parish   Nørup    
Contract No.   164
County   Vejle    
Contract litra   MouritzenC
Residence contract   Nørup    

It seems that at the time of his emigration Peter lived in Nørup parish, Tørrild district, Vejle county.

For info about Danish genealogy, use e.g. this site https://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/Denmark.

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 04:55
It requires more research but this passenger list from ancestry.com could be your Peter:

Hamburger Passagierlisten, 1850-1934 Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934 about Peter Knudsen
Name:   Peter Knudsen
Departure Date:   8 Apr 1883
Estimated Birth Year:   abt 1862
Age Year:   21
Gender:   männlich (Male)
Family:   Household members
Residence:   Undrup, Dänemark
Occupation:   Landmann

Ship Name:   Suevia
Captain:   Franzen
Shipping Line:   Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft
Ship Type:   Dampfschiff
Accommodation:   Zwischendeck
Ship Flag:   Deutschland
Port of Departure:   Hamburg
Port of Arrival:   New York
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 04:57
The parents' marriage is in the Underup 1847-1874 parish register, 'opslag' 7 - 1857 #5.  In this case the marriages are in a separate book from the other record types.

Marriages took place in the bride's parish, with rare exception.

The earliest records listing the birth parish are the 1845 census.  Of course there are occasional errors in naming that birth parish.
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 05:16

I think it's the right Peter Knudsen in the passenger list from ancestry.com.

Peter Kingo Knudsen registered for emigration with the police in Vejle 3 Apr 1883 (see my former posting).
Quotation from the link:

The emigration records from Vejle hold information about 4.109 emigrants from the whole of Denmark from 1879 to 1887. These emigrants have bought their tickets from two emigrant agents in Vejle, the Mouritzen Brothers, who represented HAPAG (the Hamburg-America Line).

Best regards,
Inger T.
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 07:54
I believe this is the father's family in 1834.

Skanderborg, Vrads, Aale, Aale Bye, , et Huus, 31, FT-1834

Name:   Age:   Marital status:   Occupation in household:   Occupation:   Birth place:
Knud Christian Pedersen   45   Gift      Tømmermand (carpenter)   
Ane Kirstine Jensdatter   38   Gift      hans Kone   
Mette Kirstine Knudsdatter   15   Ugift      deres Børn   
Frederike Knudsdatter   13   Ugift      deres Børn   
Jens Peter Knudsen   2   Ugift      deres Børn   
Hans Knudsen   32   Gift      Tømmermand   
Bodil Christiansdatter   33   Gift      hans Kone   
Peder Christian Henriksen   10   Ugift      deres Børn   
Ane Katrine Hensdatter   2   Ugift      deres Børn
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: Jane C Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 14:11
Peter Kingo Knudsen's mother, Ane Margrethe Christensdatter

Skanderborg, Voer, Østbirk, Purup, et Hus, 144, FT-1860, D5183
Jens Peter Knudsen  28  Gift Indsidder. Tømmermand. Husfader Aale Sogn Her i Amtet
Anwe Margrete Christensdatter  27  Gift hans Kone Underup Sogn Her i Amtet
Knud Christian Knudsen  3  Ugift deres Søn Underup Sogn Her i Amtet

Skanderborg, Nim, Underup, Underup Mark, Gaard, 30, FT-1845, B7657
Christen Hansen   65   Gift      Gaardmand   Tamdrup sogn, Skanderborg amt
Ellen Laursdatter   36   Gift      Hans kone   Nykirke sogn, Vejle amt
Laurs Christensen   13   Ugift      Deres barn   Her i sognet
Ane Margrethe Christensdatter   12   Ugift      Deres barn   Her i sognet
Christen Christensen   10   Ugift      Deres barn   Her i sognet
Laursine Christensen   7   Ugift      Deres barn   Her i sognet
Peter Kingo Christensen   5   Ugift      Deres barn   Her i sognet
Ane Christensen   2   Ugift      Deres barn   Her i sognet

Ane Margrethe is not listed with her family in 1840 (on the ddd.dda.dk transcription).

Skanderborg, Nim, Underup, Underup, en Gaard, 8, FT-1840, C6533
Christen Hansen   62   Gift      Gaardmand   
Ellen Larsdatter   34   Gift      hans Kone   
Lars Christensen   9   Ugift      deres Børn   
Christen Christensen   5   Ugift      deres Børn   
Larsine Christensen   2   Ugift      deres Børn

Skanderborg, Nim, Underup, Underup Mk:, en Gaard, 6, FT-1834, C4978
Christen Hansen  51  Gift  Gaardmand   [born about 1783]
Ellen Lauersdatter  26  Gift  hans  Kone   
Inger Maria Christensdatter  14  Ugift  deres  Børn   
Maren Christensdatter  11  Ugift  deres  Børn   
Ane Christensdatter  5 Ugift     deres  Børn   
Lauers Christensen  3 Ugift  deres  Børn   
Ane Margrethe Christensen  1 Ugift  deres  Børn

Christen Hansen's father could be Hans Sørensen, Bonde and gaardbeboer in Bemelte Wrønding Bye, Vrønding, Tamdrup Sogn, Nim, Skanderborg in 1787 census that shows son Christen Hansen born about 1781. Christen, his birth family, and death of "Christen Hansen of Underup Mark" 20 February 1848 appear on this family tree (so maybe the tree creator is a cousin!)  ;)

Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 10 Jan 2013 - 17:13

Peter Kingo Knudsen's father's family:

Skanderborg, Vrads, Aale, Aale Bye, et Huus, 30, FT-1840, C6524
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      
Bodil Christiansdatter   40    Gift      Huuskone, hendes Mand har som Tyende taget Bopæl udensogns   
Ane Catrine Hansdatter   8    Ugift      deres Børn   
Kirsten Marie Hansdatter   4    Ugift      deres Børn   
Ane Kirstine Jensdatter   45    Gift      Huuskone, hendes Mand har som Tyende taget Bopæl udensogns  *   
Jens Peter Knudsen   8    Ugift      deres Børn   
Mette Kirstine Knudsdatter   5    Ugift      deres Børn
*  [her husband is working as a servant in another parish where he has his residence]

In 1845 Jens Peter Knudsen has already left home:

Skanderborg, Vrads, Aale, Aale bye, Et huus, 29.2, FT-1845, C0957
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:    Birth place:
Knud Chr Pedersen   59    Gift      Tømmermand og medeier af huset   Heri sognet [in this parish]
Anne Kirstine Jensdatter   50    Gift      Hans kone   Feuling Skanderborg amt [Føvling]
Mette Kirstine Knudsdatter   10    Ugift      Deres datter   Heri sognet

His mother dies before 1850:

Skanderborg, Vrads, Aale, Aale By, et Huus, 33, F2, FT-1850, C9106
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:    Birth place:
Knud Pedersen   62    Enkemand [widower]      Tømmermand, Medeier af Huset   Her i Sognet [ Aale]
Jørgen Pedersen   29    Gift      Muurmester, Indsidder   Greis Sogn, Weile Amt
Frederikke Knudsdatter   29    Gift      hans Kone   Her i Sognet [ Aale]

Best regards,
Inger T.
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: Kirsten Knudsen Dato 11 Jan 2013 - 04:58
This is wonderful! I am so greatful that you have taken the time to help. I was so lost in the parish records.
Thank you greatly!
Titel: Sv: Peter K. Knudsen Horsens
Indlæg af: Jane C Dato 11 Jan 2013 - 06:58
So fun to watch the team find your family in Denmark.

Inger I like your color-coded transcriptions.

Peter Kingo Knudsen's mormor Ellen Laursdatter, in her remarriage to Mikkel Sørensen after Christen Hansen died:

Underup Mark, Underup Sogn, Nim Herred, Skanderborg Amt, Danmark
Underup Gård, 32
Mikkel Sørensen 50 Gift Gårdmand husfader Tanderup sogn, Skanderborg amt
Ellen Laursdatter 43 Gift Hans kone Nykirke sogn, Veile amt
Christen Christensen 14 Ugift Husfaders stedbarn  Her i sognet
Peter Kingo Christensen 9 Ugift Husfaders stedbarn  Her i sognet
Laursine Christensen 13 Ugift Husfaders stedbarn  Her i sognet
Maria Christensen 3 Ugift Husfaders stedbarn Her i sognet

Below is a discussion of Ellen Laursdatter on DIS-Danmark in 2007, seeking her parents, LINK:

Confirmation Record, churchbook Øster Nykirke, Nørvang, Vejle 1815-1830, opslag 51:
Ellen Lausdatter in Vange, confirmed in 1823 at Øster Nykirke, 14 years old, baptized 16 July 1808 in Øster Nykirke. In this confirmation record her parents are given as stepfather Peder Madsen (occupation gaardmand) and Ane Margrethe Pedersdatter. In her baptismal record her parents are named as Lars/Laus Jensen and Ane Margrethe Pedersdatter.