Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Jim Knudsen Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 21:28

Titel: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 21:28
I just joined this site while I am researching family history. I have records going back to 1800's and earlier that I will dig out of storage to post here accurately. I know my great grandfather was Julius A. Knudsen. I have photos taken of him in Danish Navy suit with photographer name on the back I will post here. I will start out slowly and maybe meet some distant cousins along the way. Julius A. Knudsen ended up in Superior, Wisconsin where he received a letter from Nestved Denmark dated in 1934 but we cannot read it.
I will stop here with just these 4 photos and hope to make connections over time.





Thank you for any help you can give me here.
My direct email is Jim@SellBrainerd.com
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 21:55
Hi Jim,

I'll give it a try - however, some of the words in the scan are missing (didn't see that I could scroll!)

Dear Uncle Julius!

On 27 October we lost our
dear old mother. She was
only sick for 8 days but had
for a long time been weak and
tired and she wanted to die.
By this letter I bring you her last
greetings. - But it is so
difficult for me to be left
alone, when mother and I
have been living together since father died in
1928. Merry Christmas and cordial greetings
 Your niece Rigmor Hertz

(upper left: Greetings to your family)

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 22:03
Thank you Lissa... my scan was too big and it made the photo to wide but there is a scroll at the bottom of my post that you can slide the words to the left to reveal them all. Now we will have a lady by the name of Rigmor to look for in our searching.
Thank you so much again.
I will post more information later when I find it in our boxes. We recently sold our home and downsized into a smaller home, with many unpacked boxes yet. Our 2 daughters have married and moved away, but now giving us grandchildren which we love.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 22:21
When and where was Julius born?

Could this person be "your" Rigmor? http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/index.php?option=com_sfup&controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=1367023&searchname=polit_simple

It's the pre-national register. Says she was a teacher and born in Næstved 1884

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 22:31
The death of Olivia Hertz (born Knudsen) is recorded in the 1930-1937 Næstved SKt Morten churchbook (ops 271).  I believe it says that she was born in Copenhagen in 1850, the daughter of a shoemaker named Ole Knudsen and his wife Margrethe Nielsen.  
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Paul Løndahl-Smidt Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 22:42
Hi Jim,

I believe this is your Julius Knudsen leaving Denmark.
Name:    Knudsen, Julius   Occupation:    Smed
Age:    23   Destination:    Ewansville, Wisc.
Contract no.:    476400   Registration date:    5/22/1882
Last res. parish:    København   Last res. county:    København
Last residence:    Kbhvn.   Destination country:    USA
Destination city:    Evansville   Destination state:    Wisconsin
Name of ship:    Indirekte
IDcode:    I8182K0913

and in the 1880 København census with his parents and sisters

All persons in the household

København, København (Staden), Gammel Mønt, Gammel Mønt Nr 20, Hovedvagtes Rode mtr 151, , 232, FT-1880
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Occupation in household:      Occupation:      Birth place:
Ole Knudsen   59 år    Gift   Husfader   Skomager   Fredensborg
Margrethe Knudsen   58 år    Gift   Hustru      Holbek
Olivia Knudsen   29 år    Ugift   Datter      Kjøbenhavn
Josephine Knudsen   22 år    Ugift   Datter      Kjøbenhavn
Julius Knudsen   20 år    Ugift   Søn   Smedesvend   Kjøbenhav

North Carolina
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 22:43
The opslag No. is 271 and she was born 10 June 1850 in Copenhagen .. etc. etc. She was a widow.

The parents are here in 1850, but I suppose you have the censuses?:

kbhv, København (Staden), Rosenborg Kvarter, Rosenborg, , Aabenraa 235, 2den sal, 934, FT-1850
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Ole Knudsen 29  Gift  huusfader, skomagersv. Asminderøe
Magrete Nielsen 28  Ugift  hans kone Morsöe
Nielsine Knudsen 4  Ugift  deres barn Kjøbenhavn

In 1885:

kbhv, København (Staden), Gammel Mønt (Ulige numre), Kjøbmagergade Kvarter, , Gammel Mønt 21,Matr.159 2.Sal, 3, FT-1885
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Ole Knudsen 65  Gift Huusfader Skomagermester Fredensborg
Magrethe Knudsen 64  Gift Huusmoder  Holbæk
Johanne Sørensen 39  Enke Huusmoder Haandarbeide Kjøbenhavn
Olivia Sørensen 14  Ugift   Horsens
Christine Sørensen 11  Ugift   Frederiksberg

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Homer Ficken Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 22:48
The 1900 Superior, Wisconsin census lists Julius Knudson born August 1859, immigration 1882.  He is listed as a blacksmith in some Superior directories and censuses.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Paul Løndahl-Smidt Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 23:03
Here is Mette Margrethe Knudsen in the police register http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/index.php?option=com_sfup&controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=3351770&searchname=polit_simple

Her death on 19 Nov 1910 is found in Vor Frue, Sokkelund, København opslag 236 nr 45.

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 24 Nov 2012 - 23:27
Julius Knudsen's birth is on opslag 77 in Trinitatis parish - born 14 Aug 1859 - to Ole Knudsen and Margrethe Nielsen. They lived at 151 Gl. Mønt (Gammel Mønt).

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 25 Nov 2012 - 02:09
Rigmor Margrethe Hertz was born 22 January 1884 to Ludvig Theodor Hertz and Olivia Knudsen in Næstved. Opslag 135 Næstved Skt. Peder (1868-1888). She was, however, baptised in Skt. Mortens Church, Næstved, on 1 June 1884.

One of the witnesses was a shoemaker Hans Hertz, Aalborg and other witnesses were: Shoemaker Bjørn and his wife born Knudsen, Copenhagen

Ludvig Theodor's death can be found on opslag 283 in Næstved Skt. Peder parish (1926-1934). He died on 18 March 1928 (Aaderup, Skt. Mortens parish). He was born - 8 November 1849 - in Aalborg to shoemaker master Niels Christian Hertz and Johanne Kirstine born Schultz, Aalborg. Married to Olivia born Knudsen.

The family is here in 1845 (no children yet):

aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Skomager Gade (Shoemaker Street!), , No. 298 Litra b, 14, FT-1845
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Niels Chrst. Hertz 35  Gift  Skomagermester Aalborg
Johanne P. Schultz 26  Gift  hans Hustru Aalborg
Johan Butler 21  Ugift  Skomagersvend Aalborg
Peter L. Nessen 26  Ugift  Skomagersvend Aalborg
Poul C. Poulsen 14  Ugift  Læredreng Aalborg
Jens Sand Terup 19  Ugift  Læredreng Aalborg

And in 1850:

aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Store Nygade, 6 Rode, , F1, 484 (446), FT-1850
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Niels Chrestian Hertz 42  Gift  skomagermester husfader Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Johanne Cherstine født Schultz 31  Gift  hans kone Viborg Viborg Amt
Elisa Chrestine 5  Ugift  hans datter Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Lovise Johanne 4  Ugift  hans datter Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Ulrika 2  Ugift  hans datter Aalborg Aalborg Amt
en udøbt (not yet bapt.) søn 1  Ugift   hans søn Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Ane Tranemos?? 26  Ugift  tjenestepige Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Nicolai Andreas Holm 37  Ugift  skomagersvend Norge
Leonard Schøeborg 40  Ugift  skomagersvend Sverige
Jens Peter Jensen 19  Ugift  skomagersvend Guldager Hjørring Amt
Niels Peter Jørgensen 16  Ugift  læredreng Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Wilhelm Petersen 15  Ugift  læredreng Aalborg Aalborg Amt

and in 1855:

aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Store Nygade, 6te Rode, , stuen F1, 446, FT-1855
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Niels Chrestian Hertz 47  Gift skomagermester husfader  Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Johanne Kjerstine født Schløt?? 38  Gift ovenstaaendes kone  Viborg Viborg Amt
Elise Kjerstine Hertz 10  Ugift deres datter  Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Lovise Johanne Hertz 8  Ugift deres datter  Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Tolrikke?? Hertz 7  Ugift deres datter  Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Ludvig Theodor Hertz 6  Ugift ovenstaaendes søn  (son of the above) Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Hans Peter Julius Hertz 4  Ugift ovenstaaendes søn  Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Neels Chrestian Hertz 2  Ugift ovenstaaendes søn  Aalborg Aalborg Amt
Marie Lorentzen 23  Ugift tjenestepige  Thisted Thisted Amt
Leonart Sjøeberg 50  Ugift slkomagersvend  Upsala i Sverige

Niels Christian Hertz is here in 1840, unmarried:

aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Algade, , No 8,, 8, FT-1840
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Niels Chr. Hertz 32  Ugift  Skomager  
Peter Chr. Lassen 22  Ugift  hans Svend

And here in 1834:

aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Nygade, , No. 441, 1 Familie, 887, FT-1834
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Jens Høgmark 47  Gift  Skomagermester  
Catrine Rasmusen 43  Gift  Hustrue  
Niels Hertz 25  Ugift  Svend  
Bertel Jeig 20  Ugift  Læredrenge  
Chresten Hermansen 20  Ugift  Læredrenge  
Peter Christjan 16  Ugift  Deres børn  
Jensine 11  Ugift  Deres børn  
Marie 8  Ugift  Deres børn  
Lauritz 4  Ugift  Deres børn

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 25 Nov 2012 - 15:57
Thank you all for the new info. I had never heard yet. I found some of my records last night from an old history done by another shirt tail relative by the name of John Lundberg. While he was doing his family history, he connected with some Rasmussen names and then got into our Knudsen name from that.
I found my great grandfather Julius Knudsen born Aug. 14, 1859 in Copehhagen, died Oct. 30 1939 in Superior, Wisconsin. His father was Olaf Knudsen who was born and died in Copenhagen. He made riding boots. Julius' mother was Magrete who also was born and died in Copenhagen. Both buried in Denmark. Julius arrived in the U.S.A. May 22nd 1895 and Naturalized Oct. 20, 1902 listed him as a carpenter. My papers show he got his citizen papers then moved to Brooklyn, Wisconsin then back to Copenhagen for 1 1/2 years, then returned to Clinton, Iowa and then Superior, Wisconsin where he settled down. Julius had 3 sisters but none of them came to the U.S.A.  They were Hannah, Josephine, and Olivia.
I find that Julius Knudsen married Thora Jensen in Evansville, Wisconsin (date unknown).
Thora Sophia Jensen was born Oct 10, 1856 in Nakskov, Laaland Denmark. They had 3 children. Louis Knudsen b. 1884 in Brooklyn, Wisconsin, (my grandfather) Dagmar Knudsen b. 1886 in Brooklyn, Wisconsin, never married. Agnes Knudsen b. 1888 in Brookly, Wisconsin but died after 3 months.
Thora was the 9th child of Jens Rasmussen b.? d.? and Ann Due' both of them were from Nakskov, Laaland. (Another source says the mother was Kirstine Jensdatter?)
  After Ann died in 1868 the 9 children were then orphaned so their last name was then changed to JENSEN. But John kept the Rasmussen name.
Children in order were:
1. John Rasmussen (Jensen) d. Evansville Wisconsin,
2. Rasmus Jensen d. Copenhagen,
3. Peter Jensen  had 3 children and d. in Clinton, Iowa.
4. Dorothea Jensen m. 1867 John Wolff (lost at sea later), she remarried Hans Anderson and had     children with him. she d. 1902 Brooklyn, Wisconsin.
5. Ida Emelia Caroline Jensen d. Superior, Wisconsin 1933
6. Unknown ??
7. Ferdinand Jensen b. Nakskov, changed name to Glidden (too many Jensens, never got mail) played in Orchestra at Nykobing
8. Nels Jensen d. Clinton, Iowa
9. Thora Sophia Jensen b. Oct 10, 1856 in Noebbet, Horslunde parish Nakskov Denmark. m. Julius A. Knudsen Evansville, Wisconsin.

From another source, a church record on Thora:
10 Octob. 1856 Thora Sophie Jensen (born). (Baptised) Døbt i kirken 26 Dec 1856 (Parents) Huusmand Jens Rasmussen, hustru Kirstine Jensdat. 42 Aar, i Nøbbet.

Now I need to clear up the 2 different mother's names for Thora: Kirstine Jensdat or Ann Due' ?

Now I will copy down the information on Ole Knudsen and Magrete and try to start a chart for them. 
Again, thank you all so very much.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 25 Nov 2012 - 17:48
Maribo, Lollands Nørre, Horslunde, Nøbbet By, , et Huus, 17, FT-1850

Jens Rasmussen   41   Gift      Inderste og Brolægger, Huusfader   Nakskov Landsogn, Maribo Amt
Ane Marie Jensdatter   36   Gift      Hans KOne   Stokkemarke, Maribo Amt
Johannes Rasmus Jensen   11   Ugift      Deres barn   Halsted, Maribo Amt
Ane Dorthea Jensen   10   Ugift      Deres barn   Lille Løietofte, Maribo Amt
Rasmus Jensen   6   Ugift      Deres barn   Fejøe, Maribo Amt
Signe Marie Jensen   3   Ugift      Deres barn   Horslunde, Maribo Amt
Peder Christian Jensen   1   Ugift      Deres barn   Horslunde, Maribo Amt

Maribo, Lollands Nørre, Horslunde, Nøbbet Skoledistrikt, Nøbbet By, , Et Hus, 232 - F2, FT-1860

Jens Rasmussen   52   Gift   Husfader. Brolægger      Nakskov
Ane Marie Jensen   45   Gift   Hans Kone      Stokkemarke Sogn, Maribo Amt
Signe Marie Jensen   13   Ugift   Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet      Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Peder Christian Jensen   11   Ugift   Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet      Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Ida Caroline Amalie Jensen   8   Ugift   Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet      Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Niels Julius Jensen   6   Ugift   Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet      Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Thora Sophie Jensen   4   Ugift   Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet      Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Jens August Ferdinand Rasmus Jensen   1   Ugift   Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 25 Nov 2012 - 21:17
Just wanted to add the 1845 census:

maribo, Fuglse, Fejø, Vesterbye, et Huus, 72, FT-1845, A4065
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Rasmussen 36  gift  Brolægger Nakskov
Ane Marie Jensen 29  gift  Hans Kone Stokkemarke Maribo Amt
Johan Rasmussen 6  ugift  Deres Børn Halsted Sogn Maribo Amt
Ane Dorthe Jensen 5  ugift  Deres Børn Løitofte Sogn Maribo Amt
Rasmus Jensen 1  ugift  Deres Børn her i Sognet

And the 1840:

maribo, Lollands Nørre, Løjtofte, Lille Løjtofte, et Huus, 5 F2, FT-1840, B2471
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Rasmussen 31  Gift  Inderste og Broelægger 
Ane Marie Jensdatter 31  Gift  hans Kone [Jens Rasmussen] 
Johan Jensen 1  Ugift  deres Barn [Jens Rasmussen, Ane Marie Jensdatter]

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 25 Nov 2012 - 21:31
These are the siblings according to the censuses available:

Johan Rasmussen born Halsted parish
Ane Dorthe Jensen born Løjtofte parish
Rasmus Jensen born Fejø parish
Signe Marie Jensen born Horslunde parish
Peder Christian Jensen born Horslunde parish
Ida Caroline Amalie Jensen born Horslunde parish
Niels Julius Jensen born Horslunde parish
Thora Sophie Jensen born Horslunde parish
Jens August Ferdinand Rasmus Jensen born Horslunde parish (?)

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 25 Nov 2012 - 21:50
Jens Rasmussen and Ane Marie Jensdatter were married in 1839 (1817-1844 Løjtofte, Lolland Nørren, Maribo ops 80 #94).
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 25 Nov 2012 - 22:03
I have a birth record for Ane Marie Jensdatter (1813-1822 Stokkemarke ops 66).  Born Oct 16, 1815 to Jens Rasmussen Due..  If this is the right person, perhaps this is Ane Marie's family in the 1834 census.

Maribo, Lollands Sønder, Stokkemarke, Stokkemarke Bye, Huus, , , 95, FT-1834
Jens Rasmussen Due   49   Gift      Huusmand   
Sofie Christiansdatter   48   Gift      hans Kone   
Anne Magrethe Hansdatter   14   Ugift      deres Barn   
Christian Jensen   13   Ugift      deres Barn   
Maren Jensdatter   12   Ugift      deres Barn   
Marie Jensdatter   9   Ugift      deres Barn   
Hans Hansen   6   Ugift      deres Barn   
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Homer Ficken Dato 26 Nov 2012 - 03:14
Citat fra: Jim Knudsen Dato 25 Nov 2012 - 15:57

9. Thora Sophia Jensen b. Oct 10, 1856 in Noebbet, Horslunde parish Nakskov Denmark. m. Julius A. Knudsen Evansville, Wisconsin.

From another source, a church record on Thora:
10 Octob. 1856 Thora Sophie Jensen (born). (Baptised) Døbt i kirken 26 Dec 1856 (Parents) Huusmand Jens Rasmussen, hustru Kirstine Jensdat. 42 Aar, i Nøbbet.

Now I need to clear up the 2 different mother's names for Thora: Kirstine Jensdat or Ann Due' ?

Now I will copy down the information on Ole Knudsen and Magrete and try to start a chart for them. 

Jim, when you chart your info, note that Nakskov is not a district or county, but just another parish and city near Horslunde parish in Lollands Nørre district, Maribo county:  http://www.dis-danmark.dk/kort/kortmari.htm

The only family member listed who appears to have been from Nakskov parish was Jens Rasmussen.

The others may have identified with Nakskov because it was the largest city in the area.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 26 Nov 2012 - 15:58
This is all such good information, so much to digest. the map is very helpfull. Im just guessing that terminology is different than here in the U.S.
Is Horslunde parish considered a City or Town or County? We dont use the term 'parrish' except as  meaning a church. Except in Louisana where their 'Parrish' is like our 'county' here in Minnesota. On the map the area called Nakskov...is that a drawing of the city limits more or less? Id just like to better understand the mapping and wording better. :)

It was 3 degrees (F) here this morning so my typing is slow :D

  Thanks all again.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Homer Ficken Dato 26 Nov 2012 - 18:50
A Danish sogn (parish) seems to compare most nearly to a US county.
Within many parishes there's a town of same name, e.g. Nakskov the town is located in Nakskov sogn.

The herred (district) might compare to a geographical area within a US state, e.g. northeast Texas, etc.

The amt (county) probably compares best to a US state.

Others may have a better explanation.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 01:17

You can read here about the photographer, who took the photo of Julius Knudsen (use: www.translate.google.com): http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Neuhaus

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 02:29
Hi Jim,

About the Due name. This could be Jens Rasmussen Due's parents in 1801:

maribo, Lollands Sønder, Stokkemarke, Kielderness Bye, , , 25.Familie, FT-1801
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Rasmus Due 57  Gift Mand Jordløs Husmand og Dagleyer  
Karen Marie Jensdatter 47  Gift hans Kone  
Marie Andersdatter 80  Enke(mand) hendes Moder (her mother) Almisselem

Check on www.arkivalieronline.dk - Maribo county, Lolland Sønder district, Stokkemarke parish (1766-1811) - opslag 88 - Jens born to Rasmus Due in Kieldernes (now Keldernæs) - born/bapt. Dom 24 p(ost) Trinitatis 1785 (around Sep/Oct?)

Check this site: http://www.tingleff.asia/media/opslagsbog/Stokkemarke%20sogn.pdf - page 174:

"Keldernæs Skovvej 33 Matr. 29 b Keldernæs
Bygninger til husmandsstedet matr. 29 a Keldernæs, der beskrives her.
Keldernæs Skovvej 33 Matr. 29 b Keldernæs
Bygninger til husmandsstedet matr. 29 a Keldernæs, der beskrives her.
HF 1816 Jens Rasmussen Due 1785-1861
h. (wife) Anne Sofie Margrethe Christiansdatter 1786(*sjæ)-1854
b. Kirsten 1819, Margrethe Hansdatter (hendes = her) 1820, Christian 1821,
Maren 1823, Marie 1825, Hans 1828, Dorthe 1830†"

They were living in a house belonging to the estate Knuthenborg. Perhaps more could be found in this connection? HF = renting a house with or without land.

Translation will come later.

On this forum there is a Bjarne Due Pedersen, who is having a large database and is researching the Due persons on Lolland-Falster. Could be that he reads this? (http://www.slaegtogdata.dk/forum/index.php?topic=32240.0). One must register to get access to his website: http://bjarnedue.ftb-forum.dk/

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 14:09
I have written Bjarne a private mail to draw his attention to this topic.

The promised translation:

"Buildings belonging to the smallholder place, cadastral No. 29 a Keldernæs, described here.
Keldernæs Skovvej 33 cadastral No. 29 b Keldernæs
HF 1816 Jens Rasmussen Due 1785-1861
h. (wife) Anne Sofie Margrethe Christiansdatter 1786(*sjæ (?))-1854
b. (children) Kirsten 1819, Margrethe Hansdatter (hendes = her) 1820, Christian 1821,
Maren 1823, Marie 1825, Hans 1828, Dorthe 1830†"

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 14:29
The last Jens Rasmussen Due is son of Rasmus Matthiasen Due. Jens was brother to Anders Rasmussen Due, there is my 3xgreat grandfather.

The Thora, born 10. oct 1856, is daughter of Jens Rasmussen and Kirstine Jensdatter, as written in the church book. This Jens Rasmussen isnt a Due.

Maribo, Lollands Nørre, Horslunde, Tvede, Nøbbet by, Horslunde sogn, Maribo Amt, 2. familie, 14. et hus, FT-1855, C6341
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Rasmussen 46  Gift husfader og brolægger  Nakskov
Ane Marie Jensen 39  Gift hans kone  Stokkemarke Sogn, Maribo Amt
Ane Dorthea Jensen 15  Ugift deres barn  Østofte Sogn, Maribo Amt
Rasmus Jensen 11  Ugift deres barn  Fejø
Signe Marie Jensen 8  Ugift deres barn  Her i Sognet
Peter Christian Jensen 6  Ugift deres barn  Her i Sognet
Ida Caroline Amalia Jensen 4  Ugift deres barn  Her i Sognet
En Udøbt Søn 1  Ugift deres barn  Her i Sognet

Maribo, Lollands Nørre, Horslunde, Nøbbet Skoledistrikt, Nøbbet By, Et Hus, 232 - F2, FT-1860, D6080
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Rasmussen 52  Gift Husfader. Brolægger  Nakskov
Ane Marie Jensen 45  Gift Hans Kone  Stokkemarke Sogn, Maribo Amt
Signe Marie Jensen 13  Ugift Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet  Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Peder Christian Jensen 11  Ugift Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet  Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Ida Caroline Amalie Jensen 8  Ugift Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet  Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Niels Julius Jensen 6  Ugift Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet  Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Thora Sophie Jensen 4  Ugift Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet  Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt
Jens August Ferdinand Rasmus Jensen 1  Ugift Deres Barn. underholdes af Fattigvæsenet  Horslunde Sogn, Maribo Amt

Ane Marie Jensdatter (1813-1822 Stokkemarke ops 66).  Born Oct 16 is daughter of Jens Rasmussen Due, in first line
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 16:46
Tak alle så meget for din hjælp med min familie historie. Jeg vidste ikke Google havde en oversætter, så jeg tænkte jeg ville bare sige tak på dansk. Hilsen
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 16:49
I have a question:

Why is the (last) Jens Rasmussen Due (b. approx. 1785 - or when was he born?) not with the family in 1787 .. or is he born after 1787?

maribo, Musse, Hunseby, Hunseby Bye, Huus, 46, FT-1787, B4956
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Rasmus Mattisen Due 38  Gift Mand Huusmand og Slusemand  
Anna Mari Andersdatter 33  Gift kone  
Anders Rasmussen 8  Ugift søn  
Karen Maria Rasmusdatter 3  Ugift datter

.... Jens Rasmussen Due 1785-1861 ....

He is not here either:

maribo, Musse, Hunseby, Hunsebye Bye, , 49, FT-1801, b9295
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Rasmus Mathiasen Due 52  Gift Mand Huus og Tømmermand  
Ane Marie Andersdatter 47  Gift Hans kone [Rasmus Mathiasen Due]  
Anders Rasmussen Due 22  Ugift Deres Søn [Rasmus Mathiasen Due og Ane Marie Andersdatter] Tømmersvend  
Kirstine Andersdatter 12  Ugift Et fader og moderløst barn [Rasmus Mathiasen Due og Ane Marie Andersdatter] underholdes af Tømmermanden

I'm a bit confused! Or am I completely wrong?

Could you explain a bit more Bjarne .... ?

Bjarne, you write:

The Thora, born 10. oct 1856, is daughter of Jens Rasmussen and Kirstine Jensdatter, as written in the church book. This Jens Rasmussen isnt a Due. - here I'm also confused.

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 18:46
From the DDD Emigration Database:

Name:   Jensen, Thora   Occupation:   Tyende (m/k land)
Age:   24   Destination:   Evansville, Wisc.
Contract no.:   431200   Registration date:   6/8/1881
Last res. parish:   Horslunde (Lolland)   Last res. county:   Maribo
Last residence:   Horslunde, Maribo   Destination country:   USA
Destination city:   Evansville   Destination state:   Wisconsin
Name of ship:   Indirekte
IDcode:   I8081J6401
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 19:36
Long story:
Matthias Rasmussen Due is father of my Rasmus Matthiasen Due, b. 1744, his mother is Anna Rasmusdatter,
Matthias married Karen Andersdatter Oemand in 1746 and they got a son, Rasmus Andreas Matthiasen Due, b. 1749.

Rasmus 1744 is father of Jens Rasmussen Due b. 1785 in Stokkemarke, and stayed there all his life.
Rasmus 1749 is born in Oestofte and died in Hunseby 1821.

Rasmus 1744 isnt found in census 1787, he was married 1777 in Stokkemarke, had a farm 1781-1783 in Stokkemarke, Census 1801:
Maribo, Lollands Sønder, Stokkemarke, Kielderness Bye, , 25.Familie, FT-1801, B7706
Rasmus Due 57 Gift Mand Jordløs Husmand og Dagleyer
Karen Marie Jensdatter 47 Gift hans Kone
Marie Andersdatter 80 Enke hendes Moder Almisselem

The name Due i all over this area, sons got it from their father and if they got married, passed away and their widow get married again - then could her new husband take the name. Isnt a baptised name, but a called name, there is a lot of "animals" at Lolland: Due, Fugl, Spurv, Kylling, Høg, Ravn, Grib, Krage, Bjørn, Kalv (Pigeon bird, sparrow, chicken, hawk, raven, Grip, Crow, Bear, Calf) and so on. Some was named after a place: Stryhn, Jyde, Halling, Skotte...., occupation: Smed, Væver, Skriver, Degn..... (Smith, Weaver, Writer, Teacher) or others like: Støvle, Pind, Kæp, Kølle, Skafte, Krog... (Boots, stick, bigger stick, club, shaft, hook,)

But the Due name is a great area, i have 775 at the moment in Lolland with that name, and more to come. Maybe 10 Anders Rasmussen Due at the same time, spread over this island and if 2 or more i married to an Ane Jensdatter - then it isnt easy  ;D

I would like to find Thora´s confirmation, normally when she was 14-15 years old, but not in Horslunde  :-[
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 27 Nov 2012 - 20:02
If one looks at the birth record for Thora's younger brother Jens August Ferdinand, you find that the mother was originally recorded as Anne Kirstine Jensen (age 43). Then at some point, the Kirstine has been crossed out and underneath Marie was added.  Perhaps this is a clue.

1830-1860 Horslund ops 59, #20 (on the right hand page).

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 28 Nov 2012 - 01:21
Hi Jim,

This is a bit more about the 9 children (parents: Jens Rasmussen and Ane Marie Jensdatter):

Johannes Rasmussen born 18 February 1839 - Halsted parish, opslag 12 – illegitimate (alleged father Rasmus Jensen)
Ane Dorthe Jensen born 17 December 1840 - Løjtofte parish, opslag 54
Rasmus Jensen born ? (1843/44) - Fejø parish
Signe Marie Jensen born 29 March 1847 - Horslunde parish, opslag 86
Peder Christian Jensen born 16 January 1850 - Horslunde parish, opslag 34
Ida Caroline Amalie Jensen born 26 May 1852 - Horslunde parish, opslag 97
Niels Julius Jensen born 26 September 1854 - Horslunde parish, opslag 48
Thora Sophie Jensen born 10 October 1856 - Horslunde parish, opslag 107
Jens August Ferdinand Rasmus Jensen born 18 August 1859 - Horslunde parish, opslag 59

About Johannes Rasmussen: It explains his last name, as he was born to a Rasmus Jensen (also found his confirmation in Horslunde parish confirming same). He was confirmed in Horslunde parish on 3 April 1853, opslag 136.

At the wedding - on 13 October 1839 (opslag 80, right side) in Løjtofte parish - of Jens Rasmussen and Ane Marie Jensdatter is also says that he was a widower!

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 28 Nov 2012 - 20:50
This Thora Sophia is pretty much no doubt in our family line now. I just wish I could push the Ole Knudsen name further back with accuracy now too.
Im still amazed at home much information on anecestry is available to you folks in Denmark. Thank you so much.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 28 Nov 2012 - 22:06
We know that Ole Knudsen was born in Asminderød sogn in about 1820-1821 from the censuses that we have.  A search of the churchbook  finds an Ole Knudsen born June 8, 1820 to Knud Larsen and Johanne Mar?? Handatter (1812-1826 Asminderød ops 75).  More evidence is needed to make sure that this is the right Ole.  Here is the family in the 1834 census.

Frederiksborg, Lynge-Kronborg, Asminderød, Asminderød, , et hus, 27, FT-1834

Knud Larsen   47   Gift      arbejdsmand   
Johanne Hansdatter   37   Gift      hans kone   
Stine ??   16   Ugift      deres børn   
Ole ??   14   Ugift      deres børn   
Hans ??   10   Ugift      deres børn   
Henrich ??   8   Ugift      deres børn   

This could be Ole in 1840 as a shoemaker's apprentice.

København, København (Staden), Rosenborg Kvarter, Gothersgade No 140, , 2den Sal, 951, FT-1840
Peter Beckmann   40   Gift      Skomagersvend   
Catrine Jensen   37   Gift      Hans Kone   
Carl Christian Beermann   3   Ugift      Søn af beermann og Kone   
Christian Svendsen   27   Ugift      Skomagersvend   
Ole Knudsen   19   Ugift      Skomagersvend   
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 28 Nov 2012 - 23:44
Here is a better 1834 census from this site: http://landsbyskriveren.dk/anerne/indhold/fkt1834a.html

27 Hus 1 Knud Larsen 47 Gift Arbejdsmand (day laborer)
2 Johanne Hansdatter 37 Gift hans kone
3 Stine Knudsdatter 16 Ugift deres barn
4 Ole Knudsen 14 Ugift deres barn
5 Hans Knudsen 10 Ugift deres barn
6 Henrick Knudsen 8 Ugift deres barn

This could be Knud Larsen in 1801 with parents etc. - from the website above:

Asminderød 52. familie Lars Olsen husfader 55 G1 husmand og skomager (shoemaker)
Asminderød 52. familie Sidse Knudsdatter hans kone 55 G2  
Asminderød 52. familie Ole Larsen deres barn 20 UG  
Asminderød 52. familie Inger Larsdatter deres barn 17 UG  
Asminderød 52. familie Knud Larsen deres barn 14 UG  

The family in 1787:

35 1 Lars Olsen mand 42 G1 skomager
35 2 Sidse Knudsdatter kone 42 G2  
35 3 Rasmus Rasmussen søn af 1. 12 UG  
35 4 Ole Larsen deres barn af 2. 6 UG  
35 5 Inger Larsdatter deres barn af 2. 4 UG  
35 6 Knud Larsen deres barn af 2. (child of 2nd marriage) 1 UG

UG = ugift = unmarried
G1 = 1st marriage - G2 = 2nd marriage

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 02:17
Using the FamilySearch.org database, I found that Ole Knudsen had 7 children.  There may be more but I didn't find them.

They were all christened in Trinitatis in Copenhagen.

Nielsine Johanne              1846       1845-1849 ops 248 #180
Henriette Jensine             1848       1845-1849 ops 325 #209
Olivia                              1850       1850-1853 ops 221 #242
Hans Julius                      1852       1850-1853 ops 106 #126
Louise Dorothea              1854       1854-1857  ops 240 #198
Josephine                        1856       1854-1857 ops 358 #415
Julius                               1859      1858-1861 ops 77 #321
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 05:55
The 1845 marriage of Ole Knudsen & Mette Magrethe Nielsdatter is recorded in 1826-1847 Garnisons ops 346 #164.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 11:46
I have some track & trace work to do, about Ane Marie Jensdatter, maybe she is the one who is daughter of My Jens Rasmussen Due (son of Rasmus Matthiasen Due).

IF - The Jens Rasmussen she married had the name Tambour in a birth of a child.
He died in Horslunde 2. aug. 1867, 62 years old
The only one in the census in that age, and the only one dead 1860-1868, when Ane died as a widow.

I will be back, but maybe it will take a few days  ;D
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 15:03
Thank you, Bjarne - we appreciate what you are doing ;)

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 15:06
This is all so amazing you can find that information, thank you one and all, again. :)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 17:12
John's post number 34 showing 7 children is very new to me. My papers show only my G,G Grandfather Julius along with his 2 sisters Josephine and Olivia. Very odd that who ever did research years ago, only had 3 and not 7 children in that family. I would have thought those number of children would be very consistent passing down generation to generation. How does someone miss 4 kids?
  Very interesting info. John, thank you :)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 17:50
I found the 1860 census on Arkivalieronline, opslag 275 (1860, København, Købmager kvarter, del I, Matr.Nr. 1-179), where the following children are (the family was in 1859 at the birth of Julius living at Gammel Mønt 20, matr.nr. 151):

Johanne - 14 yrs
Olivia - 10 yrs
Louise Dorthea - 6 yrs
Josephine - 4 yrs
Julius - 1 yr

and try to compare them with the ones found on Familysearch. Some of the children must have died?

Nielsine Johanne              1846       1845-1849 ops 248 #180
Henriette Jensine             1848       1845-1849 ops 325 #209
Olivia                              1850       1850-1853 ops 221 #242
Hans Julius                      1852       1850-1853 ops 106 #126
Louise Dorothea              1854       1854-1857  ops 240 #198
Josephine                        1856       1854-1857 ops 358 #415
Julius                               1859      1858-1861 ops 77 #321

In the 1855 census, opslag 36, 1855, København, Købmager Kvarter, Gammel Mønt, Gammel Mønt 151 = No. 20, are the following children:

Johanne Nielsine - 9 yrs
Olivia - 4 yrs
Louise Dorthea - 1 yr

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 19:39
Josephine Knudsen married a shoemaker named Frans Thorvald Bjørn.  They had at least 2 children: Cay Olaf Bjørn (born Dec 27, 1885) and Bet#y Josephine Aug Bjørn (born Oct 27, 1890).

The birth record for Cay Olaf is in 1880-1885 Vor Frue ops 140. 

Using Google search turned up this item:
SKOVGAARD Niels professor; f. 29/4 1924 i Kbh; søn af professor Kristen Skovgaard (død 1968, se Blå Bog 1968) og hustru Marie f. Lauridsen (død 1968); gift 21/11 1959 m. sygeplejerske Lise S., f. 23/4 1928 i Ålborg, datter af salgsinspektør Cay Olaf Bjørn (død 1955) og hustru Valborg f. Henningsen (død 1950).

Police register for Frans Thorvald:
http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/index.php?option=com_sfup&controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=1525633&searchname=polit_simple (http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/index.php?option=com_sfup&controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=1525633&searchname=polit_simple)

Police register for Kaj Olaf Bjørn:
http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/index.php?option=com_sfup&controller=politsearch&task=displayresults&searchname=polit_simple&searchidentifier=1385385 (http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/index.php?option=com_sfup&controller=politsearch&task=displayresults&searchname=polit_simple&searchidentifier=1385385)

To view the 1906 census image for the family, go to:
http://www.sa.dk/ao/SoegeSider/Folketaelling.aspx (http://www.sa.dk/ao/SoegeSider/Folketaelling.aspx)

Then select 1906 - København - Gartnergade.  They are on opslag 17.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 29 Nov 2012 - 23:52
Now I am sure about Ane Marie Jensdatter (Due)  ;D

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 00:16
Great Bjarne :) ;) :D I'm glad that I asked you to take a look!

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 00:29
Jens Rasmussen Tambour was charged in a case (taking part in counterfeiting and receiving stolen goods), but he was not sentenced: http://alda.dk/kildeafskrifter/karl-hansen-dom-1861

Too much to translate it all.

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 00:32
WOW that means we are related then Bjarne :D I wonder what that is called? 8th cousins 2 times removed or something like that :D
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 00:43
Thora Sophie Jensdatter is the 2 x cousin 3 times removed of Bjarne Due Pedersen  ;D

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 02:03
The 1870 census, opslag 79 - Gammel Mønt 20, matr.nr. 151:


Olivia - 19 yrs
Josephine - 13 yrs
Julius - 10 yrs

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 06:11
I have found a birth record for Mette Margrethe Nielsdatter who was born Aug, 1821 in Maarsøe, Hagested, Tuse, Holbæk.  (1812-1832 Hagested ops 71).  I read the names of the parents as Niels Hansen and Johanne Hansdatter.  I have not been able to confirm with any census listings.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 13:39
Just updated  :)

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 15:37
Outstanding cousin :)   now here are more photos of 'our' family if you want to insert them where they belong for charting in the future. I will post the photo then the back of it with comments written by someone many years ago. :) This is so cool to find out. I will post 4 photos each time.









Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 15:41
Next group of photos I had from Denmark. Notice 6 & 6a  say " Cay Bjorns father"  so now I know where the name Bjorn comes from :)








Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 15:59
Bjarne...here is info. to complete your chart under 'Louis Knudsen', he married Bessie St John (of English decent) in Superior, Wisconsin, they had 3 sons, Julius St John Knudsen, Wilbur Leigh Knudsen (my father) and Richard E. Knudsen.

1. Julius Knudsen b. 1916, died in WWII in the Death March of Bataan in the Phillipines

2. Wilbur Knudsen b. 1919, married Jeanne Marie Regan in Chicago, Illinois in 1947, they had 7 children:
   1. Karen Eliz. Knudsen
   2. James Leigh Knudsen (me) 
      Married in 1979 to Susan E. Hobson, 2 children Kelli Jeanne and Nicole Elizabeth
   3. Karl Edward Knudsen
   4. Joanne Marie Knudsen
   5. Kristine Marie Knudsen
   6. Jayne Ellen Knudsen
   7. Julie Kathleen Knudsen

3. Richard Knudsen married Helen? who died in accident, they had 2 daughters Debbie, Nan
      remarried to Shirley ?, they had 2 sons Scott and Guy

With these in your chart, it should then show our relationship as cousins :)

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 16:11
 I also found another photo of Julius A Knudsen and his wife Thora and their 2 children Louis Knudsen and Dagmar Knudsen.  Probably taken in Superior, Wisconsin  Louis appears to be apox. 8 years old.


Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 16:26
I found a photo from a 1903 photo of a school dance...its wording on the back is BHS 1903 

This is Louis Knudsen


the next photo is Bessie St John who he later would marry, at the same dance in 1903.

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 17:24
Denmark0001 Grandfather Shanie, who is he ?
Denmark0003 Signe, Who is it (Her and Husband and 2 kids) and what stands on the back ?
Denmark0005 Is it Aunt Olivia Hertz ?
Denmark0006 Cay Bjorns father, who is Cay ?
Denmark0007 Aunt Hannah and 2 grandchildren, Who is Hannah and the 2 kids ?
Denmark0009 Aunt Hannah (Knudsen) again ?

And a new family picture to my far out cousin  ;)

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 17:42
Those other photos with Hannah and Cay and grandfather etc. must be on the Knudsen side. I will have to dig out more boxes to find more information to help figure those out.
Our 2 daughters will be here starting today for the weekend and a baby shower for one who will give us a new grandchild next February. Dont know if it will be a boy or girl yet. We have 1 grand daughter already, would love a grand son now. :)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 17:53
Here are photos of my dad Wilbur Knudsen and myself Jim Knudsen



I guess I look pretty Danish dont I ?  fair skin, sunburn easy, blonde hair, blue eyes :)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 18:28
Thank you for posting the wonderful family pictures. 

I have been assuming that Hannah in the pictures is the same person that we know as Julius's sister Nielsine Johanne Knudsen.

I believe that in the 1885 census that Lissa posted earlier, she is listed as being the widow Johanne Sørensen.

kbhv, København (Staden), Gammel Mønt (Ulige numre), Kjøbmagergade Kvarter, , Gammel Mønt 21,Matr.159 2.Sal, 3, FT-1885
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Ole Knudsen 65  Gift Huusfader Skomagermester Fredensborg
Magrethe Knudsen 64  Gift Huusmoder  Holbæk
Johanne Sørensen 39  Enke Huusmoder Haandarbeide Kjøbenhavn
Olivia Sørensen 14  Ugift   Horsens
Christine Sørensen 11  Ugift   Frederiksberg

She is listed in the Police Register here:

http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/index.php?option=com_sfup&controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=1918771&searchname=polit_simple (http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/index.php?option=com_sfup&controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=1918771&searchname=polit_simple)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 18:30
 I inquired to Superior Wisconsin historical society about any school that starts with the letter " B " and I got an email back in 30 minutes, YES it was "Blaine High School" in Superior Wisconsin where those dance photos were taken in 1903.  In 1909 they built a new school and Blaine was demolished.
Amazing how fast information comes these days. :)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 18:59
Cay was son of Julius´ sister, who married Mr. Bjorn.
Olivia Hertz, I´vee got her now  :)
Aunt Hannah must be Nielsine Johanne 1846 1845-1849 ops 248 #180, as John wrote  ;)

But gradfather Shanie  ??? Who wrote it on the back - it must be this persons grandfather ?
If it was your father, it could be Bessie´s father ?

And thank you for all the pictures, they are great on my homepage  ;D
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 19:17
Here you can see Maribo amt (county), The herred (district) and The sogn (parish).
A Parish contains a lot of villages/cities and they "belongs" to the church in the Parish, then a parish is an area.
In US, you have City, County, State, and USA
We have City, Parish, District, County, and Denmark
Ex: Noebbet city in Horslunde Parish, Lolland South District, Maribo County, Denmark.
And Horslunde city is also a city in Horslunde Parish

But dont worry, my homepage is integrated with google maps  ;D
All events is pinned on the map, where you can zoom in and out.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 19:19
From the 1906 Census (1906 - København - Hinrichsensgade ops 35):

Frederik Johannes Lyng                      10 Nov 1871
Maria Petrea Olivia Lyng                      17 Nov 1870
Lilly Astrid Marie Johanne Lyng            3 Oct 1900
Inger Margrethe Johanne Lyng            4 Nov 1905
Nielsine Johanne Sørensen                  7 Dec 1845
Kirstine Antonia Sørensen                   15 Dec 1873

Here "Hannah" is living with her two daughters (Olivia & Kirstine).

The picture you have of Hannah and her 2 granddaughters must be Lilly Astrid and Inger Margrethe!! It looks that the picture must have been taken around 1909.        
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 30 Nov 2012 - 19:42
I have no idea who wrote on the back of the photos. It could have been my grandmother Bessie St John Knudsen or perhaps Dagmar Knudsen (Louis sister) or who knows? I got the photos from my dad when he passed away. By the way you can show Wilbur Knudsen date of death as July 2009.
Also you can include our grand daughter  'Lily Jeanne' under Kelli Knudsen Schmitz (her married name now, she is married to Jason Schmitz) Lily was born April 9, 2010

Another project is on the horizon as well. My wife is excited with that software you use. Its also used by my St John family website host. My wife's grandmother was Hazel Lauritsen and her family also came from Denmark. My wife will have to dig out that folder of information so we can inquire about that family as well in the future. We have a photo of a Hans Lauritsen Hazel's father from way back in time.

I also have a Sandi Olson here in the U.S. that is a cousin of sorts too. In an email, several years ago, she said that Thora had a brother Johan and that is her line of family. Ive emailed her asking for more input.

Thanks again for everyone's help with this project. :)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 01 Dec 2012 - 18:52
I keep finding more interesting things about Thora Sophia so here are 4 more scans. 2 are the grass roofed home that Thora was born in and the backside of the photo with comments. The other is a letter to my great Aunt Dagmar Knudsen from I think Cay ?? maybe someone can translate it for me?
Hope to have some new photos of the newest generation here soon.
Jim Knudsen





Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 01 Dec 2012 - 19:12

Dear Dagmar,

Thank you so much for your Christmas card - and thank you very much for the USD 6
which I have received - I hope you will enjoy
the H.C. Andersen books - I wish you a
Merry and Happy New Year - and a good health
and humour - and I suppose I will hear from you one day, when
you have time to write a few words to me.
I hope your are healthy - and that everything is ok.

With heartfelt greetings
your cousin Cay

The entire December
the weather has been mild and good
without degrees below zero (Celcius!) so this is
indeed a mild winter.

Cay's address was: Ordrupvej 76, Charlottenlund (zip 2920)

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 01 Dec 2012 - 19:16
WOW so fast...thank you Lissa.  Are you related to Bjarne?
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 01 Dec 2012 - 19:19
No, I'm not - just knew his name from back in time, when I tried to help him with some relatives' names in Argentine, and I also remembered him being "busy" with the Due name/people.

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 02 Dec 2012 - 00:56
Hi Jim,

See this posting: http://www.slaegtogdata.dk/forum/index.php/topic,48638.msg255076.html#msg255076

Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 02 Dec 2012 - 02:09
Back to the Hertz in Aalborg - you will find some info:


Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 02 Dec 2012 - 09:39
I am still here, and this is my bookmark  ;)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 02 Dec 2012 - 23:12
The confirmation record for Tora Sofie Jensen (same as Thora Sophia) is recorded in the 1840-1874 Nordlunde sogn churchbook (ops 63).  It is interesting that her mother is listed as Kirstine Jensdatter (could be the recorder just copied the info from the birth record?).

You can also find Thora in the 1870 Nordlunde census on ops 4 where she is a servant for a family headed by Peder Karpersen.
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Bjarne Due Pedersen Dato 03 Dec 2012 - 03:55
The name at the confirmation is partly from the church book (birthrecords) She had a birth certificate with the information from the birthrecords, and that was written in the church book at her confirmation.
Her mother was Ane Marie, but she have been called Ane Kirstine in another birth, later corrected to Ane Marie  :)
Titel: Sv: Knudsen and Rasmussen from Nakskov and Copenhagen
Indlæg af: Jim Knudsen Dato 03 Dec 2012 - 15:41
Im so happy to follow my thread here, learning so much and also now following Sandi Olson's thread as she is on her history search in here as well and we now find out we are 5th cousins I think, along with Bjarne.

  Here is a photo from Saturday of my daughter Nicole Eliz. Knudsen Olmsted, b. Aug 10, 1986, here she is pregnant with our next grandchild due in Feb. 2013. She lives in Whitefish, Montana with her husband, Billy Olmsted.
She has just cut the hair on my grand daughter Lily Jeanne Schmitz b. April 9, 2010 daughter of Kelli and Jason Schmitz.
