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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: aileen young Dato 13 Jun 2012 - 04:17

Titel: Help with finding a Marriage Record
Indlæg af: aileen young Dato 13 Jun 2012 - 04:17
I have found a marriage record on the Family Search, have not been able to find it in the Church records.

It is the marriage of Ramus Onsberg to Maren Jensdatter Knopp.
26 November 1783 Horsens Skanderborg.

Any help would be just great.

Titel: Sv: Help with finding a Marriage Record
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 13 Jun 2012 - 06:02
Not one of the clearest, eh? Context is a big help in reading the unreadable.

Horsens Vor Frelser 1743-1786, opslag 476, #21:

d 26 Nov: copulerte jeg Velædle Vagtmester Ras-
mus Onsberg her af Byen med sin Kæreste Enken Ma-
ren Hansdatter Knopp som haver efter ..... ....
Attest sluttet Skifte og som hafde .... ....
Konge brev at maatte vies i huset Dat: Kron-
borg Slot d 18 Nov: 1783 .... tillidsmand Sven Knudsen?
her? fra? ...., og ........................

There may be a betrothal as well, naming the bride's late husband.  What may not have come through FS is that Maren is a widow.

Titel: Sv: Help with finding a Marriage Record
Indlæg af: aileen young Dato 15 Jun 2012 - 07:58
Thank you Ralph, It was difficult to read.
Would it be possible to have another translation I have found, not sure if it belongs to the same family, I can just pick out  two names Onsberg and Ramus.

1743-1786 Horsens Vor Frelser, Nim,Skanderborg.
Ops 670
No 35
Thank you
Titel: Sv: Help with finding a Marriage Record
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 15 Jun 2012 - 14:11
This time, translated:

[1784] 35, male, June 6, master baker Onsbergs widow, a child Rasmus.  Presented by Madam Møller, witnesses Miss Zidsel Broberg, mdf: [may be mother's father] Simonsen, A. Kruuse, Jens Hiernøe

Titel: Sv: Help with finding a Marriage Record
Indlæg af: aileen young Dato 16 Jun 2012 - 03:56
Once again thank you Ralph.
I don't think this Onsberg belongs to my family tree as my Onsberg's were all army people.

Titel: Sv: Help with finding a Marriage Record
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 16 Jun 2012 - 05:16
A second look casts a bit of doubt on the reading 'Bag(er)mester'. It actually reads Vag(t)mester!, with the t not visible in the microfilm.

This time the interpretation was helped by the circumstances, while at other times context is in the surrounding entries.

I am only that certain because Vagtmester Rasmus Onsberg was buried May 18, 1784, aged 24 (opslag 688, between #'s 42 and 46)  The cause of death is there, but I haven't sorted it out yet.


Titel: Sv: Help with finding a Marriage Record
Indlæg af: aileen young Dato 20 Jun 2012 - 08:17
Thank you Ralph, for clearing up another mystery, it certainly helps to be able to translate these old records.