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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: R. B. West Dato 29 Mar 2012 - 23:51

Titel: Ancker Wilfort Legene Jorgensen, Kobenhavn
Indlæg af: R. B. West Dato 29 Mar 2012 - 23:51
Ancker Wilfort Legene Jorgensen was born March 19, 1916 in Kobenhavn and served as a Lt. in the Danish military.   Believe he was still living in Kobenhavn in 1945 but do not know where.

Would very much like to know of an address of his place of residence in the 1945-1950 time period.
Can anyone suggest where I might locate information of this kind.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.    Many thanks!

Titel: Sv: Ancker Wilfort Legene Jorgensen, Kobenhavn
Indlæg af: Henrik Brandt Dato 31 Mar 2012 - 22:02

I found him in the resistance fighter database:


This tells that he was active in Copenhagen during the occupation, that he was an assurance salesman and died in 1986. But it doesn't say where he lived after the war.
Titel: Sv: Ancker Wilfort Legene Jorgensen, Kobenhavn
Indlæg af: R. B. West Dato 01 Apr 2012 - 00:14
Thanks so much for your efforts.   At least this is a start.

Titel: Sv: Ancker Wilfort Legene Jorgensen, Kobenhavn
Indlæg af: Jane C Dato 01 Apr 2012 - 01:09
Some people on Facebook (and MySpace) have the surname Légene Jørgensen (living in Gentofte). You could "message" someone with the name - it's an unusual name, so maybe just maybe you might find a grandchild or even a child of Ancker's. If so, he/she may be happy to help.

Or even use the Danish white pages online - with email addresses - to write to someone with this name. Henrik, do you know how to find this online? I've forgotten.

A person does not have to have a Facebook page in order to search for and write to a person via Facebook.

Here's a link containing the name (see bottom of the page):

Promoting a charity event in Denmark to benefit disadvantaged children in Nepal...
Titel: Sv: Ancker Wilfort Legene Jorgensen, Kobenhavn
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 01 Apr 2012 - 10:55
To find people in - free - Danish telephone directories use these:

www.degulesider.dk (hvem = who and hvor = where) and www.krak.dk (hvad søger du = what/who are you looking for (person) and hvor = where).

Titel: Sv: Ancker Wilfort Legene Jorgensen, Kobenhavn
Indlæg af: Jane C Dato 01 Apr 2012 - 15:11