Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 08 Dec 2017 - 17:29

Titel: Same child?
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 08 Dec 2017 - 17:29
In the christening section of this parish record, I find the following:

#2 left-hand side

No. 2 d.19de Febr. Blev Christen Hansøns og Anna Pedersd. Søn
af Poller(up) dødfødt til Verden.

In the burial section of this record, I find:

#1 left-hand side

No. 1 Gdm. Christen Hansens dødfødt Søn af Poller: begr. Dom: Septuag:
No. 1 farm owner Christen Hansen's stillborn son of Pollerup, buried Sunday Septuagesima (22 January)

At this point, the wife of the other Christen Hansen in this town has died so I am pretty sure this is the same child.  Is that a good deduction or is there something else I should be looking at?  Which record would you count as being more accurate?



Titel: Sv: Same child?
Indlæg af: Ole Westermann Dato 08 Dec 2017 - 19:01
The vicar wrote by a fault the wrong month in the baptism section.
No 3 is January 25, so No 2 should have been January 19.

Titel: Sv: Same child?
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 08 Dec 2017 - 20:50
Thank you, Ole.  I obviously missed that.