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Titel: Marriage record 1788 Schwitzgebel
Indlæg af: Kristján Unnar Ellertsson Dato 03 Apr 2017 - 13:34

I finally found my 5x great grandfather's marriage record to his wife, Zacharias and Karen.
Holmens sogn, 28. mars 1788 op. 21 [top page]

Except... I can not understand the writing. I see the names Zacharias Svitzkybel (Schwitzgebel) matr.?.... Karen Henirichsdatter.

Can you guys help me with understanding what it says there in the two columns? I am hoping this will bring more context to these ancestors, is there any information about parents?

Best wishes,
Titel: Sv: Marriage record 1788 Schwitzgebel
Indlæg af: Ellen Steen-Petersen Dato 03 Apr 2017 - 20:02
I can only read some of it. This is what I get:

Copul. d. 28. Mart. 1788 [Married March 28th 1788]
d. 16. Febr. indskreven til Copul. [Feb. 16th listed for marriage]
Zacharias Svitskÿbel, Matr. [Zacharias Svitskÿbel, sailor]
1 D. 2. C. No. 9 E.k. [1st Division 2nd Company ...]
Karen Henrichsdatter Pige [Maid Karen Henrichsdatter]
... Rørbye dat. Kióbenhaun d. 13de Julü 1787 [I think this is their engagement date]

Brudgommens forlover N. Hasting [Witness for the groom]
Løber ved 1 D 2 C [Runner at 1st Division 2nd Company]
Brudens forlover Christian Frederick [Witness for the Bride]
Mat. 1 D 2 C No. 38 [Sailor 1st Division 2nd Company No 38]

They were most likely sailors in the Navy.
Holmens church was the Navy church.

Titel: Sv: Marriage record 1788 Schwitzgebel
Indlæg af: Helmer Christiansen Dato 03 Apr 2017 - 20:49
Certificate stating that they have participated in communion, signed July 17, 1787 by Rørbye who, according to a directory of 1788 (https://user-9y8ca5x.cld.bz/Kraks-Vejviser-1788#416/z) was a curate and lived in Vingaardstræde number 185
Titel: Sv: Marriage record 1788 Schwitzgebel
Indlæg af: Kristján Unnar Ellertsson Dato 04 Apr 2017 - 00:24
Ellen, your information is great.  Zacharias was a matros paa grønland. It would be interesting to get more information. This church register was a stroke of luck. Do you know how to get more information on this division-company? Perhaps more information will be found there. This guy and his past is a complete mystery. It would seem he moves around a lot. There is never a single register where he is in the same city twice. Thank you

Helmer, the link you gave me, does it include the certificate, or is that certificate part of the church register record I linked? I can not open the directory of 1788 which you attached. Blank white page... I hope it might reveal more information when I can see it. What did this communion pertain to?

Titel: Sv: Marriage record 1788 Schwitzgebel
Indlæg af: Helmer Christiansen Dato 04 Apr 2017 - 11:26
My link was to Kiøbenhavns Veiviser / Krak Directory that has been published since 1770 and is the worlds oldest existing directory.
The books from 1770-1969 have been digitized and is shown using the app FlippingBook on https://bibliotek.kk.dk/temaer/krak
From 1878 onwards you can make simple searches on all / parts of words (Latin letters), while from 1770 to 1877 you should "settle" with scrolling (Gothic letters).

People were in the directory if they belonged to the upper class, owned a business, were officials or, for example, midwives, doctors, etc.
The directory did not include the simple sailors who lived in Navy housing in Nyboder.

In the 1788 directory I could find the man (Rørbye) who signed the certificate of October 9th 1782 that the wedding couple had participated in The Lord's Supper.

Titel: Sv: Marriage record 1788 Schwitzgebel
Indlæg af: Kristján Unnar Ellertsson Dato 05 Apr 2017 - 02:10
I could access your link here: https://cld.bz/bookdata/esfcB1r/basic-html/index.html#416
So this Rörbye has his name signed on the record. You say that you find him signing a certificate in 1782 pertaining to participation in Lord's Supper.
Do you think his name is signed for a similar reason in this church book? He is a captain is he not? I wonder what his involvement is with this wedding. Getting more information about the division-company stuff might be a key.