Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Claude Anders Hanson Dato 07 Feb 2017 - 20:40

Titel: Need dates explained in confirmation entry...Dostrup, Tonder image 26
Indlæg af: Claude Anders Hanson Dato 07 Feb 2017 - 20:40

on image 26, #6 for Peter Hansen, is there a way to know the date?  And, what happened in August 1855 and in November 1855?  Thanks for your help.  Claude
Titel: Sv: Need dates explained in confirmation entry...Dostrup, Tonder image 26
Indlæg af: Helmer Christiansen Dato 07 Feb 2017 - 22:21
In the row above #1 it says:
1867 Søndag Quinquag(esima) (7th Sunday before Easter). 3. Marts (March)

The boy was born March 25th 1851, 15 years 11 months old.
Vaccinated against smallpox August 1st 1855 according to a certificate dated November 23rd 1855
Titel: Sv: Need dates explained in confirmation entry...Dostrup, Tonder image 26
Indlæg af: Ole Westermann Dato 08 Feb 2017 - 00:26
He was born on Vinum Mark on March 25, 1851, so he is now 15 years 11 months old.

Titel: Sv: Need dates explained in confirmation entry...Dostrup, Tonder image 26
Indlæg af: Claude Anders Hanson Dato 08 Feb 2017 - 00:41
Thank you both.  Answered my questions perfectly.  Claude
Titel: Sv: Need dates explained in confirmation entry...Dostrup, Tonder image 26
Indlæg af: Christian Konstmann Autzen Dato 09 Feb 2017 - 10:39
See this, no. 1:




UPS:  https://www.slaegtogdata.dk/forum/index.php/topic,120432.0.html

You allready got it  :D
