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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 07 Okt 2016 - 03:37

Titel: Mother's name
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 07 Okt 2016 - 03:37
What is the mother's name in the first record on the right?


It is supposed to be Karen.  If that is true, why does it look so different from the daughter's name which is the same?


Titel: Sv: Mother's name
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 07 Okt 2016 - 05:08
Gothic/black letter vs. italic/latin - The most important or unusual words are ideally written in the latter.

Titel: Sv: Mother's name
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 07 Okt 2016 - 05:37
Thank you, Ralph, for that explanation.  It does make those names easier to find in the text.
Titel: Sv: Mother's name
Indlæg af: Christian Konstmann Autzen Dato 08 Okt 2016 - 10:30
Hi Ric

You will see many times in church records that the priest make an effort to write the kids name much more legible than the other names.

Titel: Sv: Mother's name
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 08 Okt 2016 - 20:23
I might add that words that are plainly Latin or a Latin root also are generally in an italic longhand, ee.g. ibid[em],eod[em], sc[ilicit], nom[ine], confirm[eret], copul[eret].  A curved mark is often used to distinguish 'u' and a horizontal line to mark a doubled m or n. thus ͞m.
Titel: Sv: Mother's name
Indlæg af: Ric Rasmussen Dato 08 Okt 2016 - 22:28
Thank you, Christian and Ralph.