Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Paul Løndahl-Smidt Dato 12 Aug 2016 - 18:34

Titel: where parents were married
Indlæg af: Paul Løndahl-Smidt Dato 12 Aug 2016 - 18:34
In this birth record from Korsløkke, Odense for Rona Dührkoop Christensen it list the marriage place of the parents.

Can anyone tell me what parish the wedding took place.

Mange tak.

Titel: Sv: where parents were married
Indlæg af: Gitte Johansen Dato 12 Aug 2016 - 18:41
Odense, Seden

Nr. 2



Dalum, Odense

Kærum, Odense
Titel: Sv: where parents were married
Indlæg af: Paul Løndahl-Smidt Dato 12 Aug 2016 - 19:52
Mange tak Gitte.  I am trying to trace a distant Danish relative's family from  here in North Carolina, USA.

Med venlig hilsen