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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: ian mcnulty Dato 22 Nov 2010 - 21:02

Titel: Kbh sogn for Mosaiske weddings?
Indlæg af: ian mcnulty Dato 22 Nov 2010 - 21:02
Trying to find marriage records for Jewish weddings in Copenhagen (Mosaiske trosamfund). Which sogn will they be registered in, so I can search in the States Archive website? I have tried "Vor Fruer", but don't appear to be there (Krystalgade was/is where the synagogue was located). Looking for records for period c.1850.

Mange tak,
P.S. Svar på dansk er i orden  :)
Titel: Sv: Kbh sogn for Mosaiske weddings?
Indlæg af: Lissa Pedersen Dato 22 Nov 2010 - 21:29
As far as I know the Jewish church books are at the Landsarkiv in Copenhagen. They are not online. Could be that you could ask someboby to do look-ups.

Here is a link in English to Landsarkivet for Sjælland etc.: http://www.sa.dk/content/us/about_us/provincial_archives/provincial_archives_of_zealand

Try to mail them and ask whether you find the books there.

From 1814 the Jewish community was told to use church books, I read somewhere.

Titel: Sv: Kbh sogn for Mosaiske weddings?
Indlæg af: ian mcnulty Dato 22 Nov 2010 - 21:33
Tak for svar. Now I know why I couldn't find them online. I'll make contact as suggested.

Titel: Sv: Kbh sogn for Mosaiske weddings?
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 22 Nov 2010 - 23:06

Just a link to confirm that the church records for Mosaisk Trossamfund, Københavns Menighed, can be found at the Provincial Archives in Copenhagen:


- and a little info about congregations in Copenhagen for which church records cannot be found online:


Best regards,
Inger Toudal