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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Barbara Bate Dato 02 Jan 2016 - 21:01

Titel: Please translate birth entry
Indlæg af: Barbara Bate Dato 02 Jan 2016 - 21:01
Entry 49 for Hans Peter Carl Funk. Pouline Hendriksen is my husband's GG-grandmother.

Kirkebog: Maribo, Musse, Nysted 1842-1866 F (KM) - page:  43 of 196 pages

Many thanks...Barbara
Titel: Sv: Please translate birth entry
Indlæg af: Inger Buchard Dato 02 Jan 2016 - 22:11
17de December 1850
Meldt næste Dag ved Bud
Hans Peter Carl Funk
Hjemm(e)d(ø)bt d. 27. Decb. 1850 af Pastor Gudmundsen.
I Kirke Langfredag 18de April 1851
Ugift Fruentimmer Pouline Henriksdatter, tilhuse hos sin Stedfader Skomagermester Hans Rasmussen i Nysted. Til Barnefader udlagdes Lieutenant ved 7de Liniebataillon, Funk
Madame Lobedantz i Nysted
Skom. Olsens Datter Sine
Kobbersmed Larsen
Skræddersvend Petersen og
Snedkerlærling Ludvig Sørensen
alle i Nysted

Første Gang uægte Fødsel
Moderen tjente Timaanedersdagen før sin Nedkomst i Aarhuus.
30 Aar; vaccineret af Wilhjelm den 4. August 1857

Baptized in the home 27.12.1850
Presented in church 18.4.1851
first child born out of wedlock
10 months before the birth of the child the mother worked in Aarhus
alleged father Funk lieutenant in the 7th battl.
Witnesses: see above

Titel: Sv: Please translate birth entry
Indlæg af: Barbara Bate Dato 02 Jan 2016 - 22:20
Many thanks, Inger!
Titel: Sv: Please translate birth entry
Indlæg af: Bente Wanning Dato 03 Jan 2016 - 00:10

Samtlige personer i husstanden

Maribo, Musse, Nysted Købstad, Adelgade, Matr. No. 67, 4 F2, FT-1880, C8344
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:    Stilling i husstanden:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Hans Peter Carl Funk   29   Gift   Snedker      Nysted
Kirstine Funk født Olsen   29   Gift   hans Kone      Nysted
Martha Olivia Funk   4   Ugift   deres Datter      Nysted
Titel: Sv: Please translate birth entry
Indlæg af: Barbara Bate Dato 03 Jan 2016 - 23:18
Many thanks also, Bente!

Pouline Hendriksen, his mother, married Hans Jørgen Hansen a couple of years later and two of her children by him, Oluf and Theodora Mathilde, were Godparents to Martha. I'm still on the look out for the Lieutenant, though. Would you know of any online lists of soldiers killed, say, in the Battle of Isted in the summer of 1850?

The TV series '1864', which was shown here on the BBC in the UK last year, gave me a great insight to how life was in Denmark during the 1850's/60's. It's disappointing that it received a lot of criticism, because we really enjoyed it.

Thanks again for your help.
