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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Keld Dyreholt Dato 06 Feb 2015 - 22:29

Titel: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: Keld Dyreholt Dato 06 Feb 2015 - 22:29
I cant find my grandfathers father and mother.
my grandfathers name was Sofus Niels Simonsen.
He was an architecht.
He was born in 1896.
He died in Collingwood, Australia in 1932.
He had a son - Flemming Simonsen - who was born on the Rigshospital in Copenhagen on oct. 31 1921.
Flemming Simonsen was merried on mar 31 1950 (Kirke Hyllinge churchbook (1945-1956, page 116) and Mariendal Churchbook - 1941-1952, page 228) and Sofus Niels Simonsen is mentioned in the churchbook.
Where was he born?
Titel: Sv: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: Bodil Pedersen Dato 09 Feb 2015 - 17:48

Could this be him? Found on http://www.danishfamilysearch.dk/cid12929903 

Folketælling 1801
Amt   Odense
Herred   Odense
Sogn   Odense Købstad
Stednavn   Allégade

Jørgen Laurits SImonsen   Mand       1855   Gift   Husfader Murmester
   10802   Kirstine Smonsen Kvinde       1854   Gift
   10803   Marie Simonsen   Kvinde   19   1882   Ugift
   10804   Valborg Magrete SImonsen   Mand   17   1884   Ugift
   10805   Sigrid Simonsen   Mand   13   1888   Ugift
   10806   Dagny Simonsen   Kvinde       1890   Ugift
   10807   Emilie Simonsen   Kvinde       1892   Ugift
   10808   Niels Sofus Anders Simonsen   Mand   6   1895   Ugift
   10809   Anna Rasmine Rasmussen   Kvinde       1880   Ugift

Bodil Pedersen

PS: Neither Valborg Magrete nor Sigrid are men. The names are definitely womens names.
10804   Valborg Magrete SImonsen   Mand   17   1884   Ugift
   10805   Sigrid Simonsen   Mand   13   1888   Ugift

Titel: Sv: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: Lis B. Jensen Dato 09 Feb 2015 - 19:17

Hi Bodil

I hope You mean the census is taken 1901 and not 1801.

Titel: Sv: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: John Wrenholt Dato 09 Feb 2015 - 23:33
I'm not sure that the Niels Sofus Anders Simonsen that Bodil discovered is the correct one but he seems to fit.

Here is a record showing his residence in Copenhagen:

http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/component/sfup/?controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=1913586&searchname=polit_simple (http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/component/sfup/?controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=1913586&searchname=polit_simple)

In the 1921 census, he can be found living at Frederiksborggade 27 (ops 30).  His occupation is listed as an architect.

Titel: Sv: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: Paul Londahl-Smidt Dato 10 Feb 2015 - 21:59
Niels Sofus Anders Simonsen was born 12 Sep 1895 and baptized 1 Dec 1895 in Skt Knud, Odense, Odense, opslag 18 nr 275.  His parents are Jørgen Laurits Simonsen and his wife Kirstine Nielsen, age 41.

Titel: Sv: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: Paul Londahl-Smidt Dato 10 Feb 2015 - 22:34
Here is the family in the 1901 census               All persons in the household

Odense, Odense, Odense Købstad, Allégade, , 1, FT-1901, C1149
Name:     Age:     Marital status:       Position in household:       Occupation:       Birth place:
Jørgen Laurits SImonsen    9. juni 1855    Gift    Husfader    Murmester    Klintebjerg, Skeby Sogn, Fyn
Kirstine Smonsen    4. januar 1854    Gift    Husmoder    Husmoder    Nørre Hyllinge, Hyllinge Sogn, Sjælland
Marie Simonsen    18. september 1882    Ugift    Barn    Datter    Odense
Valborg Magrete SImonsen    30. november 1884    Ugift    Barn    Datter    Odense
Sigrid Simonsen    28. april 1888    Ugift    Barn    Datter    Odense
Dagny Simonsen    16. maj 1890    Ugift    Barn    Datter    Odense
Emilie Simonsen    4. maj 1892    Ugift    Barn    Datter    Odense
Niels Sofus Anders Simonsen    12. september 1895    Ugift    Barn    Søn    Odense
Anna Rasmine Rasmussen    18. maj 1880    Ugift    Tjenestetyende    Tjenestepige    Odense
Titel: Sv: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: Paul Londahl-Smidt Dato 10 Feb 2015 - 22:43
Jørgen Laurits Simonsen and Kirstine Nielsen were married 14 Oct 1880 in Kirke Hyllinge, Volborg, Roskilde, opslag 125 nr 7.

Titel: Sv: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: Ellen Steen-Petersen Dato 12 Feb 2015 - 18:30
This is Kirstine Nielsen in the 1880 census with her parents:

Roskilde, Voldborg, Hyllinge, Nørre Hyllinge By, Hyllinge sogn, en gaard, 5, FT-1880, B0194
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:    Stilling i husstanden:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Peder Jensen   76   Enke(mand)   husfader, fæster   Sæby sogn, Kjøbenhavns Amt
Sidse Marie Pedersen   35   Ugift   hans datter   do [Sæby sogn, Kjøbenhavns Amt]
Niels Hansen   74   Enke(mand)   gaardfæster, huusfader   her i sognet [Hyllinge]
Hans Peder Nielsen   35   Ugift   hans børn      do [Hyllinge]
Kirstine Nielsen   25   Ugift   hans børn      do [Hyllinge]
Juliane Sofie Nielsen   20   Ugift   hans børn      do [Hyllinge]
Ane Marie Plank   15   Ugift   tjenestefolk      do [Hyllinge]
Hans Peder Hansen   19   Ugift   tjenestefolk      do [Hyllinge]

Confirmation 19.april 1868 in Kirke Hylling, Voldborg Roskilde.
Kirstine Nielsen *4. juni 1857
Niels Hansen og Sidse Kirstine Christiansdatter

And if you look in the 1930 census for Hylling, Voldborg, Roskilde you find Flemming Simonsen. He is a foster child in the following family:

FT.1830. Kirke Hylling, Voldborg, Roskilde. Nørre Hylling By. View 39. Nørre Hyll. 5.
Christine Sørensen, K, 31/3 1871, Nørre Hylling, Husmoder
Flemming Simonsen, M, 31/10 1921, København, Plejebarn
Arnold Harald Sigurd Nielsen, M, 22/6 1906, Vridsløse, Tjenestekarl
Karl Olaf Sørensen, M, 10/7 1900, Lyngerup, Bestyrer
Viggo Reinholdt Larsen, M, 6/4 1908, Eskildstrup, Fodermester
Anna Sørensen, K, 31/3 1871, Nørre Hyllinge, Sygeplejeske Balders Hospital
Maren Brunsborg, K, 4/12 1905, Havnbjerg, Husassistent

I think you got the right Sofus Niels Simonsen. His mother's connection to Nørre Hylling explains why he is in care there - and why he is later married there.


Titel: Sv: Sofus Niels Simonsen
Indlæg af: Paul Londahl-Smidt Dato 12 Feb 2015 - 22:35
It amazes me that Keld posts a question and so many people help and yet there is no reply.
