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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: aileen young Dato 28 Nov 2014 - 07:17

Titel: marriage Date in Birth Record
Indlæg af: aileen young Dato 28 Nov 2014 - 07:17
Could someone please transcribe the marriage date for the parents in birth record of Knud Thorkild Kjolhede  1907-11 Skt Jakobs
Ops156 No75

Parents Thorkild Emil Kjolhede and Edith Moller.

thank you
Aileen Young
Titel: Sv: marriage Date in Birth Record
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 28 Nov 2014 - 11:55
Hi Aileen,

I read: 29/3 04 i Holmens Kirke.

NB: Baptism in Karlslunde Kirke.

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Titel: Sv: marriage Date in Birth Record
Indlæg af: aileen young Dato 30 Nov 2014 - 05:33
Dear Inger,

Thank you ,had been looking for awhile for their marriage didn't think to look on Knud's birth record, until I re read it.

I am now looking for the eldest child  Sevend Kjolhede birth date 14 September 1905 found on his father's Politietsregisterblade record.
Have looked in Karlslunde Kirke Roskilde1904-07.
Skt Jakobs 1901-06
Holmen 1900-12
also Skt Johannes where Edith Moller(mother) her birth record is with her sister, brother and father's death.

Any suggestion where else to look.

Aileen Young
Titel: Sv: marriage Date in Birth Record
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 30 Nov 2014 - 07:03

Thorkild Emil Kjølhede: http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/component/sfup/?controller=politregisterblade&task=viewRegisterblad&id=2237605&searchname=polit_adv

According to the 1906 census, Amagerbrogade 163, Svend was born 24 Sep. 1905: http://www.sa.dk/ao/billedviser?bsid=14962#14962,533603 - Opslag 74 at the bottom.

You find him in Sundby, Sokkelund, København 1904-1905, opslag 129.

http://www.fogsgaard.org/index.php/kobenhavnskegader about Amagerbrogade:
Kvarter: Amagerbro, Sundbyøster & Sundbyvester
Sognetilhør i 1890: Vor Frelsers
Sognetilhør i 1918: Vor Frelsers, Nathanaels, Sundby, Filips, Kristian

http://sogn.dk/ - Find dit sogn: Amagerbrogade 163 -> Filips sogn

http://www.denjyskekirkebog.dk/LAK/SjaellandskSogneHistorie.htm - Filip separated from Sundby 1907.

Best regards,
Inger T.
Titel: Sv: marriage Date in Birth Record
Indlæg af: aileen young Dato 08 Dec 2014 - 06:04
Thank Inger, and for all the extra information,
