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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Lisa Petersen Dato 05 Jan 2018 - 19:11

Titel: need help with words in Politiprotokol, 1835
Indlæg af: Lisa Petersen Dato 05 Jan 2018 - 19:11

Can someone transcribe the 2 attachments for me?  It is a case in the Fanø Politiprotokol about a sheep, ear tags and selling the meat.

Thanks and godt nyt år.

Lisa Petersen
near cold & snowy Washington, D.C.

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: need help with words in Politiprotokol, 1835
Indlæg af: Lisa Petersen Dato 05 Jan 2018 - 19:11
the second attachment

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: need help with words in Politiprotokol, 1835
Indlæg af: Ole Westermann Dato 05 Jan 2018 - 20:00
Her is my best:

Søns Mærke paa sammes ene Øre; hvorimod
det andet Øres Mærke ikke var kjendeligt, da
Arrestantinden havde afklippet noget af samme.
Bemeldte Skind blev overleveret Niels P. Svarrer,
som erklærede, at det borttagne Faar og de om-
meldte 2 Brød ere ham udleveret. -

..... hun ikke kiender. Hos Niels Nielsen Thøgersen og Niels
Madsen Uldal solgte hun Kiødet paa Kredit og skylder førstnævn-
te for samme 24 s Cour og sidstnævnte 10 s Cour. Endvidere
solgte hun paa Kredit for 6 s Lam? til en Kone hvis
Mand hun troer hedder Hans Sørensen, der farer med
Niels Degn af Sønderhoe.  Skindet af den slagtede Vædder?

Godt nytår!
Titel: Sv: need help with words in Politiprotokol, 1835
Indlæg af: Lisa Petersen Dato 05 Jan 2018 - 20:47
Thank you, Ole!  That makes more sense than what I transcribed.

How does "24 s Cour" translate into English?  24 shillings cash, maybe?


Lisa P.
Titel: Sv: need help with words in Politiprotokol, 1835
Indlæg af: Ole Westermann Dato 05 Jan 2018 - 22:53
Yes, something like that. See also http://ordnet.dk/ods/ordbog?query=kurant&tab=for

mvh Ole
Titel: Sv: need help with words in Politiprotokol, 1835
Indlæg af: Lisa Petersen Dato 06 Jan 2018 - 02:47
Thanks for the link!  Courant and Cour are not in my dictionaries.   ;D

I can finish this case now and start working on the last one.

Thanks for your help, Ole.

Lisa Petersen
near Washington, D.C.
Titel: Sv: need help with words in Politiprotokol, 1835
Indlæg af: Helmer Christiansen Dato 06 Jan 2018 - 13:54
It is a bit strange to state the amount in Skilling current in 1835. After the bankruptcy of Denmark in 1813, the old dollar current was replaced by the riksbank dollar. 6 Rdl. D.C. in banknotes (Rixdollar Danish Current) = 1 Rbd. But in the Duchess of Schleswig and Holstein, one continued to use and count in the old Rixdollar Current (in silver coins).
And Fanø is located on the border with the Duchy of Schleswig.