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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Kristján Unnar Ellertsson Dato 03 Apr 2014 - 12:32

Titel: Zacharias Svitzrybel
Indlæg af: Kristján Unnar Ellertsson Dato 03 Apr 2014 - 12:32
Hi again.

In my first post there was a discussion of him, being the great great grandfather of Else Tagea Jensen, thus my 5x great grandfather, but census 1801 in Holbæk, Skippinge, Føllenslev - Fellenslev. op. 10, top seemed to be impossible to read.
I have gotten this from Kirgeboger, Holbæk, Skippinge, Føllenselv - from 1735 - 1813, opslag 74

"Hr. Prinit??" - I read in that column "Judeah Zacharias Svitzrybel".., but that's the only thing I can read.
Then daughter Margaret something.

Do you guys agree with Judeah? Could you help me reading the text please, I can't make any sense of it.

Best wishes,
Titel: Sv: Zacharias Svitzrybel
Indlæg af: Poul-Erik Langvad Dato 03 Apr 2014 - 13:11

I read:

11te Trinit.
Inderst Zacharias Svitsrybel en
Datter i Kirke kaldet Margrethe
B. af Jomfr. Wilhelmine Brinch

The date must be short of Dom. 11. p. Trinit. which was 19. aug. that year.

M.v.h. Poul-Erik
Titel: Sv: Zacharias Svitzrybel
Indlæg af: Gitte Johansen Dato 03 Apr 2014 - 13:16
Holbæk, Skippinge, Føllenslev, Felleslev Bye, , 41, FT-1801, B8241
Navn:   Alder:   Civilstand:   Stilling i husstanden:   Erhverv:   Fødested:
Zacharias Svitzrybel??    42    Gift   Mand    Farende matros paa Grønland   (sailor)
Karen Henrichsdatter    40    Gift   Hans koene      
Jens Zachariasen    10    Ugift   Deres børn      
Margrethe Zachariasdatter    3    Ugift   Deres børn      
Titel: Sv: Zacharias Svitzrybel
Indlæg af: Kristján Unnar Ellertsson Dato 04 Apr 2014 - 03:03
Hi, thanks for the replies.

It's odd that Karen is not listed as her mother, I suppose one ought to find the churchbook where Jens Zachariasen is listed.
I tried google translating the "Inderst" - but I couldn't connect with what relevance what that word would have to do with his name, any ideas?

As you guys can see his last name is very special, so he is probably not of Danish ancestry. Few people guess he might be of some jewish family, hence why I suspected the "Judeah" (Somewhere close to that spelling), so I do not know really where to continue from here.
Titel: Sv: Zacharias Svitzrybel
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 04 Apr 2014 - 05:11
Strictly speaking, an 'inderst' or 'indsidder' is a lodger or roomer. He does not have a single employer in his village or settlement.

As a sailor rather than a fisherman, Zacharias seems to be employed in the trade between Greenland and one of the trading ports on Zealand.