Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 03 Jul 2012 - 05:03

Titel: Opslag out of order or Missing
Indlæg af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 03 Jul 2012 - 05:03
Could someone look at Sennels Hillerslev Thisted 1727-1772?

On opslag 40 it appears that the Births for 1765 end and start the year 1766. On this Opslag (40) two entries for 1766 are provided: Records 1 and 2. Then the next pages are Marriages.

Births restart on opslag 56 with 1766 Record 14 and continue. There is a note written to the top left indicating "Fra Fol 21-b".

It appears that Records 3 through 13 are missing.

Are there missing opslags or am I not finding the proper pages for 1766 records 3 through 13?

Any feedback would be appreciated.....thank you.....
Titel: Sv: Opslag out of order or Missing
Indlæg af: Helmer Christiansen Dato 03 Jul 2012 - 12:02
On opslag 1 is a table of contents and a note at the bottom where it says that some pages are missing without producing gaps in the text.

Titel: Sv: Opslag out of order or Missing
Indlæg af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 03 Jul 2012 - 17:48
True---the index does indicate the continuation of the Døbte as being 1727-66 on Fol 2-21b and 1766-72 on Fol 33-35b

However, when one looks at the respective pages: Page 21b (opslag 40) it has entries for 1766 records 1 and 2; when one goes to page 33 (opslag 56) the entries start with record 14. Hence, it appears that entries 3 through 13 are missing.

I was hoping I missed a note that would tell me where to find them as I have a birth to locate for that year. It appears that the data was not electronically produced.

If that is so, other than reporting the missing data to AO is there a location that one can turn to to review the missing entries??
Titel: Sv: Opslag out of order or Missing
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 04 Jul 2012 - 00:13
Folio designation:  The right hand, or recto side of a folio is 'a', the left, or verso is 'b'.  So opslag 40 is 21a, and 21b did not get scanned, is perhaps not on the microfiche. 

In its stead there follow three varying copies of what likely is folio 22a.

You may get a prompt response by writing in English under 'Hjælp til opslag', explaining your dilemma.
