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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Lizz Denis Dato 11 Dec 2015 - 07:49

Titel: Help to find Tomrergade 3 in 1860
Indlæg af: Lizz Denis Dato 11 Dec 2015 - 07:49
Would appreciate some help finding Tømrergade 3 (Matr. Nr. 036U6B-063A) on the 1860 Kobenhavn census, I believe it is in Nørrebro.  The street did not exist in 1855.  I am looking for a Jens Madsen, waiter, that's all I know about him, he was a marriage witness.  I can't seem to figure out where the street is on archiveronline.  Very many thanks.

Titel: Sv: Help to find Tomrergade 3 in 1860
Indlæg af: Helmer Christiansen Dato 11 Dec 2015 - 09:39
In 1860 Tømrergade 3 had land registry number (matrikel nummer) 36V2B2 in Udenbys Klædebo.
In the 1860-census it is opslag 41 (https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?bsid=10156#10156,247723) in the Matr. Nr. 036U6B-063A list
Today's Tømrergade 3 was built in 1957 and has land registry number 36ci.

Before the WW1 the poor inhabitants of Copenhagen often changed their address. There were two annual moving day. Third Tuesday in April and October.
Titel: Sv: Help to find Tomrergade 3 in 1860
Indlæg af: Lizz Denis Dato 16 Dec 2015 - 05:22
Thank you, I appreciate your help.  Unfortunately my man appears to have moved on.  Thank you anyway.