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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 11 Feb 2016 - 23:29

Titel: Brixen is this a location, if so, where?
Indlæg af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 11 Feb 2016 - 23:29
In researching my wife's line in Hvidbjerg, Hassing, Thisted area we find that the family starts to appear using the surname of "Brixen".

Where would this name come from? if is a location, where? If it is a farm, is there a way to locate it? The time frame is from about 1680 to about 1725.

Any help would be appreciated. Is there a write bout this area?

Thank you.....
Titel: Sv: Brixen is this a location, if so, where?
Indlæg af: Grethe Leerbech Dato 12 Feb 2016 - 11:32
Hi Lynn

The best would be if you mail to: www. Thyholm.lokalarkiv.dk  or
www.struermuseum.dk. he mail kontakt is at the homesite. They have helped me a lot.

At the historic archiev in Thyholm they have many old informations and maybe they now the name of Brixen and in Struer museum they might know something more about the history of Thyholm . You don't have to pay anything, they will inform you if hey have or know anything.
The name Brixen doesn't give any connotation.....At first I thought it was Bricks-bu in danish they are called stones: "sten", "teglsten"
Then I though it could be the name of a ship called a "brigg" which is the name of a very old ship form which also the wikings used.

A first there are no lokalities which reminds of Brixen....
Did you find the name in the churchbook for hvidbjerg?

Titel: Sv: Brixen is this a location, if so, where?
Indlæg af: Grethe Leerbech Dato 12 Feb 2016 - 13:14
Hi again Lynn

I mistook between Hvidbjerg in Refs, and Hvidbjerg vesten Å in Hassing.

So the archieves are: www.arkivthy.dk and www.thistedmuseum.dk

I have looked in the churchbook, but hasn't found any names with Brixen or similar. Couldn't you tell/write the pages in which you have read the name


Titel: Sv: Brixen is this a location, if so, where?
Indlæg af: Helmer Christiansen Dato 12 Feb 2016 - 15:19
On a map from 1923 (http://hkpn.gst.dk/mapviewer.aspx?type=lkMaalebordsblade&id=8707) the name Brix is found for a property in Hjortdal parish, Thisted county, in the village Slettestrand near the coast of Skagerrak.
Titel: Sv: Brixen is this a location, if so, where?
Indlæg af: Lynn Christiansen Dato 12 Feb 2016 - 18:47
Thank you for your input and feedback
Titel: Sv: Brixen is this a location, if so, where?
Indlæg af: Grethe Leerbech Dato 13 Feb 2016 - 16:18
Hi Lynn

In the Han Herred matrikel from 1662-1663, which is situated at www.wadschier.dk,
search: arkivalier, then find rentekammeret and then Han herred [

on page 82 stands: 1 Boell (little farmerhouse) Svend Sørensen til Brixsendahl, and the owner is Henrich Rantzau of Ringstedgaard. /i]

I don't know if he is one of your ancestors, but the Chr. 5. Matrikel is not yet in the net, only the "jordebøger" /fieldbooks , that´s the workbooks, I have tried to look up, but as I don't know your familyname its impossible. But the fieldbooks from 1682-83 is in the net under
dis-arkivalierliste, and then you find
markbøger and then
Han Herred, Fjerritslev
Hjortdal ca. from page 200- and Slettegård-page 260-271.

Greetings Grethe