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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Debra Roe Dato 21 Okt 2014 - 15:29

Titel: Help with translation please
Indlæg af: Debra Roe Dato 21 Okt 2014 - 15:29
I am having trouble with this word- see attachment.  Very similar to aftægtsmand but a different beginning and I can't decipher it. 


[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: Help with translation please
Indlæg af: Inger Buchard Dato 21 Okt 2014 - 16:01
You are right: it's Undertægtsmand
and undertægt is = aftægt

Aftægt, en. [ˈauˌtægd] (egl. vbs. til aftage, jf. Indtægt, Selvtægt mfl., og sv. † aftäkt, fratagelse, formindskelse (oldn. aftekt, drab, indtægt))
1) (< vAph.​(1764), se dog Aftægtsbo; grundbet.: fratagelse; det, som man har taget fra, forbeholdt sig; vist opr. jy.; i dial. fra øerne (bornh., sjæll. mfl.) bruges: Undentag, Undertag olgn

The puzzle of abbreviations says:
Undentag, Undertag is used on the islands Bornholm, Sjælland etc.

Titel: Sv: Help with translation please
Indlæg af: Debra Roe Dato 21 Okt 2014 - 18:26
I actually had the "Under" but couldn't find that in my dictionary or any translators online so didn't think I had it right.  Thank you so much, Inger!  I really appreciate your time!
