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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Roger Nelson Dato 27 Mar 2014 - 22:08

Titel: Need help with Death Record Vindebye sogn, Maribo 1814-1835
Indlæg af: Roger Nelson Dato 27 Mar 2014 - 22:08
Can you decipher last column for Christen Mortensen Kromand's death: 25 May 1828; b.28 May; 30 yrs.?
Opslag #79, pg. 167, 1st entry. I think it says that Christen was a huusmand.

Does it also include information about his father: Morton Kromand?

2nd question:  Were separate records kept?  The Arkivalierone images sometimes have more information and different spellings than the LDS "Family History" website images.
Thanks, Rog Nelson
Titel: Sv: Need help with Death Record Vindebye sogn, Maribo 1814-1835
Indlæg af: Ole Westermann Dato 27 Mar 2014 - 22:47
Hej Rog

Yes, it says Huusmand i Vindebye, (Søn af afg.(late) Morten Kromand født i Vindebye) 30 Aar

Yes, since 1813 there were 2 records:
'Hovedministerialbogen' (written by the vicar) and 'Kontraministerialbogen' (by the sacristian or the teacher)
see also http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirkebog

Titel: Sv: Need help with Death Record Vindebye sogn, Maribo 1814-1835
Indlæg af: Roger Nelson Dato 28 Mar 2014 - 03:21
Ole, Mange tak!  I do not know how you read it!  You're a great help.
Best wishes, Rog Nelson