Danske Slægtsforskeres Forum

For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Roger Nelson Dato 09 Okt 2015 - 20:29

Titel: What is the website address for applications for medal 1848-1850 War?
Indlæg af: Roger Nelson Dato 09 Okt 2015 - 20:29
Trying to find the applications for the participation medal granted to veterans of the war of 1848-1850.
I tried: http://denjyskekirkebog.dk/FT/MedaljerBS.htm
The result has been "Cannot find"  Is there another address or have I made an error in the one I have?
Thanks, Rog
Titel: Sv: What is the website address for applications for medal 1848-1850 War?
Indlæg af: Mette Lund Dato 09 Okt 2015 - 20:39
Hi Roger,


Titel: Sv: What is the website address for applications for medal 1848-1850 War?
Indlæg af: Roger Nelson Dato 10 Okt 2015 - 02:27
Thanks, Mette