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Titel: Mads Hansen’s burial record translation
Indlæg af: David Madison Dato 19 Sep 2014 - 20:46


I need your help with Mads Hansen's burial record 29 Apr 1745, Nexöe Kirkegaard, Sönder Herred, Bornholm: Nexöe Sogn Kirkebog 1688-1756 [Ny udgave  =  New Edition], opslag 251b

I have attached an image of the record for your use. The record appears to be unusually long for a burial record.

Please transcribe the record in Danish and then translate it into English.

Thank you for your help.


[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Titel: Sv: Mads Hansen’s burial record translation
Indlæg af: Ole Westermann Dato 19 Sep 2014 - 21:22
Hej David,

I read:

Sepultus Tordsdagen post Dom. im post Hæx.? d. 29 April
Mads Hansen ved Skolen boende, som Mandagen for
om d.26 April Kl. 8te om for Middagen inden for
Boldværcket ved Skibenes Fortøyelse her udi Havnen
udi stor Storm og Veyrligt borte blev ved Baadens
omkastelse, som hand tillige med 2de andre Mænd
var paa, hvilcke begge dog af denne store Fare blev
frælste; men Hand alleene blev drucknet udi sit alders
34 Aar 4 Maaneder ringere end 4re Dage.

Buried  Thursday after Dom. im post Hæx.? April 29
Mads Hansen living near the school, who on Monday
before April 26 at 8 in the morning ('before noon') inside
the quay at the moorings of the ships here in the harbour
in strong gale and 'weather' disappeared at the capsizing
of the boat, he together with 2 other men was on board,
which (2) men both were saved from this great
danger; but he alone drowned in his age's
34 years 4 months less than 4 days.

mvh Ole
Titel: Sv: Mads Hansen’s burial record translation
Indlæg af: David Madison Dato 20 Sep 2014 - 00:47

Hej Ole,

Thank you for your assistance with this record.  The story is quite gruesome.  Fortunately he had children before his untimely death!

I appreciate your time and help.

