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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Bill Petersen Dato 22 Nov 2010 - 19:09

Titel: 1860 Birth
Indlæg af: Bill Petersen Dato 22 Nov 2010 - 19:09
Would someone please translate the following birth recording.
Stokkemarke, Lollands Sønder, Maribo...1855-1869...opslag 30 #5
Thanks in advance for your help.
Titel: Sv: 1860 Birth
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 23 Nov 2010 - 05:06
Born 7 February, Hans Christian Christiansen, baptized at church 6 April 1860.
Mother, floozy Kirstine Kristiansen, employed at S.....

Working back from 'less than 30 weeks' not this, or not S.....,  parish's responsibility.

As the father, unmarried Hans Olsen, '...karl' in Stokkemarke

The child vaccinated 20 June 1862 by Møller

Witnesses/sponsors were Miss Ana Kathrina Pedersen in S[Søllested?]
presented the child ..... gårdmand Rasmus S...
R...., Kristen S..... , Julius
Hansen, and miss Dorthea Kristiansen
all of Stokkemarke

The remark is the heading 'the mother's introduction', the date howver not given for this child.

Titel: Sv: 1860 Birth
Indlæg af: Bill Petersen Dato 23 Nov 2010 - 18:30
Thanks Ralph,
Your time is very much appreciated.