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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Linda Michelle Thérèsa de Bodt Rosenland Dato 31 Jan 2014 - 05:34

Titel: Maren Georgsdatter
Indlæg af: Linda Michelle Thérèsa de Bodt Rosenland Dato 31 Jan 2014 - 05:34
I have located the birth record for Maren Georgsdatter but am having trouble reading what it says for her father's name.  I would have thought it would be George 'something' but it looks like it just says George of Horsens?

Bjerre, Bjerre, Vejle, Denmark
Opslad 42
3rd entry on the page
Maren Georgsdatter
b 3 Jan 1817

I can see that her mother is Ane Catrine Rasmusdatter but I am stuck on the father's name.
Titel: Sv: Maren Georgsdatter
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 31 Jan 2014 - 07:04
Maren's mother is unmarried.

The most she can, or will, say of the father is his status and his first name.  A quick look at the 1831 confirmations finds the Maren in the next entry, but not Maren Georgsdatter.  If she reached confirmation age, it must be in another parish. 
Titel: Sv: Maren Georgsdatter
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 31 Jan 2014 - 08:19


Vejle, Bjerre, Raarup, Aastrup Skoledistrict Aastrup Bye, et Huus, 29, FT-1834, C0527
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      
Jens Christian Kousgaard    38    Gift       Skolelærer    
Ane Marie Pedersdatter    27    Gift       Hans Kone    
Kirstine Kousgaard    6    Ugift       Deres Børn    
Trine Kousgaard    4    Ugift       Deres Børn    
Chrestense Kousgaard    1    Ugift       Deres Børn    
Marie Kousgaard    1    Ugift       Deres Børn    
Maren Georgsdatter    18    Ugift       Tjenestepige

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Titel: Sv: Maren Georgsdatter
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 31 Jan 2014 - 10:50


Kramboekarl Giorg i Horsens - employee in a grocery/general shop in Horsens.

Maren's confirmation 1831 is in Rårup, Bjerre, Vejle 1831-1843, opslag 118, No 7. Her father is not mentioned.

Best regards,
Inger T.
Titel: Sv: Maren Georgsdatter
Indlæg af: Linda Michelle Thérèsa de Bodt Rosenland Dato 31 Jan 2014 - 17:30
Thank you both!

Wow, that is not very common.  I think I only have one unmarried mother with no father ever mentioned on my grandmothers' side in Belgium.

And, yes, she does move to Rarup where I find her again and where she marries and has children with Hans Pedersen (Slot).

There is a few Horsens when it comes to parish records.  How would I know which one to look in to see if I can find a Georg?
Titel: Sv: Maren Georgsdatter
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 31 Jan 2014 - 18:38
Hi Rebecca,

It would be Horsens town (købstad) in Skanderborg county, close to Bjerre district in Vejle county -
i.e. Horsens Vor Frelser sogn.

You can use this map as a reference: http://www.dis-danmark.dk/kort/kort.htm -
Click on a county to see districts and parishes.

Best regards,
Inger T.