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Titel: Death of Martine Jensine Pedersen
Indlæg af: Matthew Dent Dato 27 Dec 2019 - 02:58
Hi all,

I'm hoping to find some information on the death of Martine Jensine Pedersen b. 29 Jan 1866 in Vokslev sogn, Aalborg.

In 1891, she marries Christen Pedersen of Dronninglund sogn:

Over the course of the next 10 years, they proceeded to have 7 children, of which 4 died according to the 1901 census:

The three living children are Magnus Møller (b. 23 Dec 1894 Aalborg Vor Frue sogn), Alfred Peter (b. 20 Sep 1897 Aalborg Budolfi sogn), and Kristine Martine Jensine (b. 27 Jan 1901 Nørre Tranders sogn).

Here is where I get lost. In 1905 Christen and the two living sons emigrate to America, while I believe the little girl Kristine is put into foster care (I think I found her in the 1906 census in a nearby parish: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSLM-MWKN-P?i=772&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AQLX4-F8TX). They went through the port of St. John's, New Brunswick, Canada, before I believe heading to New York State to stay with an aunt and then eventually to Omaha, Nebraska.

On the ship passenger list, it says he is married (see line 17-19):

On the border crossing documentation from Canada to the US, however, I think it says he is widowed:

If the wife had died suddenly I suppose that explains why he might just up and leave the country (though, why leave the daughter behind? A question for another time perhaps). But for the life of me I cannot seem to locate her death in the books for the big Aalborg city parishes (Vor Frue, Budolfi), or Nørre Tranders. So, any help or ideas are greatly appreciated.
Titel: Sv: Death of Martine Jensine Pedersen
Indlæg af: Gitte Johansen Dato 27 Dec 2019 - 11:14
Sindssygehospital Viborg (Mentalhospital)




Titel: Sv: Death of Martine Jensine Pedersen
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 27 Dec 2019 - 12:23
Navn:    Pedersen, Chr.   Stilling:    Landmand
Alder:    43   Bestemmelsessted:    St. John
Kontrakt nr.:    83400   Forevisningsdato:    2/13/1905
Fødested:    Dronninglund   Fødesogn:    Dronninglund
Sidste oph.sogn:    ? (Aalborg, Hjørring)   Sidste oph. amt:    ? (Dansker)
Sidste oph.sted:    N. Tranders   Bestemmelses land:    ?
Bestemmelses by:    St. John   Bestemmelses stat:    ?
Skibsnavn:    Indirekte
IDkode:    I0405P2915

Navn:    Pedersen, Magnus M.   Stilling:    Barn
Alder:    10   Bestemmelsessted:    St. John
Kontrakt nr.:    83400   Forevisningsdato:    2/13/1905
Fødested:    Dronninglund   Fødesogn:    Dronninglund
Sidste oph.sogn:    ? (Aalborg, Hjørring)   Sidste oph. amt:    ? (Dansker)
Sidste oph.sted:    N. Tranders   Bestemmelses land:    ?
Bestemmelses by:    St. John   Bestemmelses stat:    ?
Skibsnavn:    Indirekte
IDkode:    I0405P2916

Navn:    Pedersen, Alfred P.   Stilling:    Barn
Alder:    07   Bestemmelsessted:    St. John
Kontrakt nr.:    83400   Forevisningsdato:    2/13/1905
Fødested:    Dronninglund   Fødesogn:    Dronninglund
Sidste oph.sogn:    ? (Aalborg, Hjørring)   Sidste oph. amt:    ? (Dansker)
Sidste oph.sted:    N. Tranders   Bestemmelses land:    ?
Bestemmelses by:    St. John   Bestemmelses stat:    ?
Skibsnavn:    Indirekte
IDkode:    I0405P2917

- source: http://www.udvandrerarkivet.dk/udvandrerprotokollerne/

Kristine Martine Jensine had a son 1925: https://www.danishfamilysearch.com/kbid311660 - see Original Source

- married 27 May 1922: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17128376#172919,29034643 - No 11

Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal
Titel: Sv: Death of Martine Jensine Pedersen
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 27 Dec 2019 - 16:03
Kristine's confirmation 1915 in Aaby parish, Aalborg county:
https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17128376#172919,29034580 - No 5

Venlig hilsen
Titel: Sv: Death of Martine Jensine Pedersen
Indlæg af: Matthew Dent Dato 27 Dec 2019 - 22:20
Thank you! I see now she didn't die. I've been able to find her in the census now between 1906 and 1930 in the mental hospital. I have now narrowed her death down to 1930-1940 and am currently flipping through the Viborg Søndre sogn church book.

I wonder, are there any records for this hospital available for viewing? I would love to know more about what happened.
Titel: Sv: Death of Martine Jensine Pedersen
Indlæg af: Matthew Dent Dato 28 Dec 2019 - 00:36
Update: finished searching Viborg Søndre sogn deaths for about 1930 to 1947ish, still haven't seen her...