Hlp with a text, Frederik Christian Mohr born

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 25 Maj 2015 - 16:37

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Tomas Albertsson


I need an help with this text:
Amt Oversigt/København/Sokkelund/Garnisons sogn/Kirkebøger/Kirkebog 1772 - 1797 Garnisons/Opslag Nr. 227         
- Fødte. 7th name from above on the left page.

This is whan I can read:
21. .: Johan Jacob Mohr .....?
    K: Anna Marie ......?
    B: Friedrich Christian

His wife is usually written "Luft" (Marie ansdatter Luft),

Thanks in advance
Tómas V. Albertsson

Poul F. Andersen

Mit foslag:

21. .: Joh. Jacob Mohr, Hoboist
    M: Anne Marie Snidler
    K: Friedrich Christian
Poul F. Andersen

Tomas Albertsson