Please type out the entry for the marriage of Niels Hansen and Kirsten Peddersda

Startet af Paul Olesen, 03 Okt 2014 - 18:18

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Paul Olesen

Please type out the Danish entry for the marriage of Niels Hansen and Kirsten Pedersdatter.,359241901,359699001,359720201

"Danmark, Kirkebøger, 1484-1941," images, FamilySearch (,359241901,359699001,359720201 : accessed 03 Oct 2014), Præstø > Bårse > Snesere > 10 (1830-1836) Fødte, Konfirmerede, Viede, Døde, Til- og afgangslister, Register > image 66 of 175  #18

Thank You
Paul Olesen

Lis B. Jensen


Ungkarl Niels Jensen af Aa
side - 25 aar

Enken efter Hmd Thorkild
Nielsen, Kirsten Pedersdatter
i Aaside, 54 aar
Grdmd (Gaardmand) Christian Hansen af
Aaside og hr Lund i
Askov Mølle

blev enige om
at hæve for-
Lis B. Jensen
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Bjørn Marcher

Hi Paul and Lis,

Will try to translate the excellent transcription made by Lis:

Bachelor Niels Jensen of Aaside (a locality) - 25 years old

The widow after (the past) Husmand (smallhouse farmer) Thorkild Nielsen,
Kirsten Pedersen in Aaside, 54 years of age

with best men Farmer Christian Hansen of Aaside and Mr. Lund in Askov Mill

did agree to discontinue the connection (engagement) 

- so they never got married!

This is quite unusual ....

best regards

Bjørn Marcher
2670 Greve
Medlem af DIS-Danmark

Paul Olesen

Question: If they decided not to marry why is that listed in the church book with marriages? Why did they have best men listed? Was this something that was required at this time in Denmark?

The next page,359241901,359699001,359720201 has her marrying Niels Hansen.


Lis B. Jensen


She was first written to marrigae with Niels JENSEN at at next page with Niels HANSEN

Bestmen is written when you request to get married.

Why they changed minds can have many reasons - maybe he thought she was too old?? or she thought he was to Young - WHO knows
Lis B. Jensen
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