Need help with Cofirmation record.

Startet af Paul Olesen, 24 Sep 2014 - 00:59

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Paul Olesen

I need help with the confirmation record for Søren Olsen - year 1799 record 13 at Sorø, Øster Flakkebjerg, Herlufsholm 10 (1736-1815) Konfirmerede, Embedsbog  Image  144
Please type out in Danish what is written after Søren's name.

Thank you for your help.  Paul

Lis B. Jensen

HI Paul
It says:
Søren Olsen h (hos) Gmd Thomas Madsen i Ladb (Ladby) 16

Meaning He is a servant at Farmer Thomas Madsen 16 years old
Lis B. Jensen
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Paul Olesen

Thank you.
I saw the name Thomas and I wasn't sure I had the right Søren. His father's name was Ole Nillsøn. Thank you for including the information about him being a servant.