Peter Riis in Reykjavik 1806

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 10 Maj 2014 - 16:16

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Tomas Albertsson

I am searching for Peter Riis who is gardencarl "gardkarl" in Frederik Christopher Trampe (1779-1832) house in Reykjavík 1806. He is born 1780.

He was one of the founders of the Grims clubhouse in 1805.

Heidi Ilsoee

Does it say anywhere that he comes from Denmark? From where do you have your informations?

I have found this census:

Hjørring, Vennebjerg, Hjørring Købstad, Algaden 4, , 5, FT-1787, A7017
Niels Riis 42 gift  Kiøbmand 
Ane Marie Klitgaard 25 gift   
Peder Riis 7 ugift     
Anne Riis 9 ugift   
Jacob Hansen 36 gift  Gaardskarle 
Thomas Pedersen 70 gift  Gaardskarle 
Magrethe JohansDatr 27 ugift   
Else JensDatter 45 ugift   
Niels Chr: Riis 4 ugift


Tomas Albertsson

Unfortunately it does not tell anything from where he comes. I found him in the 1806 census (Húsvitjun), but he is also mentioned in some historical books as one of the founders of the Clubhouse. He is sometimes said to be the chefs secretary (ritari bæjarfógeta) but the priest write him as the "gardkarl" in 1806. Klemens writes that Riis is a factor assistant, and that he only stayed for a short time.

Klemens Jónsson (1923). Ýmislegt úr Reykjavíkurlífinu, að mestu tekið eptir lögregluréttarbókum kaupstaðarins. Í Blanda, 2b, 4-6. hefti bls. 65-74. -
Lýður Björnsson (1968). Safn til sögu Reykjavíkur: Kaupstaður í hálfa öld 1786-1836. Reykjavík: Sögufélagið. bls. 5-18.