Where can I get help translating three pages about a relative of mine, I think?

Startet af Jan McLaughlin, 12 Mar 2014 - 03:37

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Jan McLaughlin

I don't expect a full translation, but could I get a sense of what these three pages are about?  Many thanks.  

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Peter Paluszewski

Hi Jan,

1) It contains arguments that the mother of Regitze Sophie Weis was Ingeborg Jessen, rather than Anna Marie Nørrberg. (bolder letters on page 1)
2) It corrects Ulsøe's notion that Regitze and Jens was married in 1814, as they get a daughter in 1811. (softer letters on page 1)
3) Page 2 lists data and sources on Regitze (birth, baptism, confirmation and death), then page 3 on Johan (censuses).
4) Page 4 is a letter to the city archive in Køge. "Attached is some information and thoughts regarding Lisbeth Ulsøe's two articles ..." The handwriting is basically a thank you.
5) Page 5 is a list of information on Jens Johansen Lindegaard.
6) Page 6 is references to the two articles by Lisbeth Ulsøe.

Do you need further translation on some of it?

Regards, Peter

Jan McLaughlin

Hi Paul!  I am so very thankful for your interpretation. I also posted a second request for another article, about a relative named Lindegaard, but the entire article is two big for me to attach.  Is there another means by which I could send it to you?

Again, many thanks.
Jan Wesselhoff McLaughlin
Los Angeles, CA



You should contact the archive at

email: byarkiv@koege.dk

and ask for a copy of an article from "Køge Museums Årbog 1991" by Lisbeth Ulsoe.

It seems interesting with the tiltle:

"Er der da noget sted man kommer hen fra Fattiggård - udover kirkegården ?" (= where do you go from the poorhouse - besides the churchyard ?)

There is also a master done by Lisbeth Ulsoe with the title:

"Hvad der videre hændte, da skomager Jens Johansen Lindegaard, ville tale med kongen"
(= "What later happened, when shoemaker Jens Johansen Lindegaard wanted to speak with the king....")

mvh Pia

Jan McLaughlin

Thank you, Pia, I will do that.  But I still won't be able to read it, since I don't read Danish....
Thanks again. 




I think the article about the king, is the one you have posted in another thread?
Was that the full story or  just the first page ?

Othwrwise you are welcome to send it to me at danishgenealogist(at)yahoo.com

Mvh Pia

Jan McLaughlin

Thank you all for your kindness.  Wish there was a way to reciprocate.

MVH  Jan