
Startet af Paul Londahl-Smidt, 28 Feb 2014 - 22:06

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Paul Londahl-Smidt

I have located the records of probates of two of my relatives.  They are in the Københavns byret , Skrifteretten fra 1919, navneregister: hovedregister 1935.  The first is Eugenia Valborg Smidt, opslag 460, and the other is Alexander Smidt, opslag 461.  How can I find the probates for these two?

Med venlig hilsen

Lis B. Jensen

Hi Paul

Make a trip to Denmark and visit the archive. (Rigsarkivet)  ;)
Or have some one to help You find it
Lis B. Jensen
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Paul Londahl-Smidt

Thanks Lis.

Med venlig hilsen