Benditte Ipsen - confirmation record - English translation help

Startet af David Madison, 10 Jan 2014 - 21:06

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David Madison


I am an American and unfortunately do not Danish.  Please translate to English the date of confirmation of Benditte Ipsen:

confirmation:  Povlsker Kirkebog 1823-1846, opslag 235, nr. 3

Thanks for your help,

Denver, Colorado   USA

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Rune Stjernholm

Hello David

Benditte's confirmation is stated to have been on 1ste Söndag efter Paaske 1843 = 1st Sunday after Easter 1843.

In 1843 Easter was on April 16th, therefore the confirmation would have been on April 23rd.

- - -


Med venlig hilsen,

Rune Stjernholm
Vind pr. Holstebro

David Madison

Hi Rune,

Deciphering and translating Danish is a challenge for me.  Thanks so much for your help!!! 
