Danish currency

Startet af Per Ekelund, 23 Dec 2013 - 17:22

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Per Ekelund

Maybe a little odd question,

I have an ancestor who migrated from Denmark to the US in 1911. His ticket, bought in Copenhagen cost 267 DKK at the time. What would be the equivalence in US $ today?

Thanks a lot,,,
Per Ekelund

Otto Kjærgaard

In 1909 the daily salary in the Capital of Copenhagen were
4,56 kr for skilled labourer
3,96 kr for unskilled
2,17 kr  for women worker.

In the countryside it would probably have been lower.

Otto Kjærgaard

I have read that a typical price for a ticket would be a half years salar.

Per Ekelund

Thanks a lot Otto for a very extensive and quick answer.
Per Ekelund

Lis B. Jensen

Hi Per

You can use this link http://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/emner/forbrugerpriser/forbrugerprisindeks.aspx

In the bottom of the page there is a calculator

267 kr in 1911 is 16.578,50 in 2012
Lis B. Jensen
* * * * * * * *
Ses i Legacy Forum: http://legacydansk.com og

Per Ekelund

Thank you Lis. A very useful link.
Per Ekelund

Helmer Christiansen

Before World War I the gold parity between the dollar and the Scandinavian kroner was $ 100 = 373.15 kroner.
Helmer Christiansen
2000 F