Help With translations

Startet af Mike Jones, 17 Okt 2013 - 15:59

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Mike Jones


Wondering if someone might look to see if I translated the record correctly.

The first record is at the following link, its the death of Maren Mortensdatter in the year 1779

It looks like it reads..

Dom Sexagel Jens Nissen wife Maren Mortensdatter
of Roesthoje 78 years, 8 months, 51 years in marriage?

Next I think is the death of her husband, Jens Nissen, this can be found at the following link in the year 1792, its entry number 4.

I cant make out the first part, but it appears to be Jens Nissen of Roesthoje, buried aged 85 years 4 months.

Another question I had, is the Grimstrup census in 1787 complete online?

I thank you all very much for your time and help.

Mike Jones

Lise Mølbæk

HI Mike

I can only answer one of your questions..  :)

"""I cant make out the first part, but it appears to be Jens Nissen of Roesthoje, buried aged 85 years 4 months.""""

And yes it is.

That first part seems to be about the day that Jens Nissen was buried, but I can´t make it out.
my first thought was that it said something about the man, but i am quite sure it just is the special name of that particular day



Ralph Rasmussen

The day of his burial is 'den almindelige Bededag' 1792,  the special day of prayer.  It was the fourth Friday after Easter, May 4th.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Mike Jones

Thank you Lise and Ralph for your help.