Help Reading Church Register

Startet af Michael Mortensen, 17 Jan 2011 - 17:17

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Michael Mortensen

Can someone help with the reading for the birth/baptism of Herda Hedevig Astrid Mortensen as recorded in the register for Skt Jakob Church Copenhagen (1878-91), Opslag 30, Nr 1. I especially want to know her date of birth, and date of baptism.
Michael Mortensen

Helmer Christiansen

Date of birth January 1st 1880. Date of baptism August 1st 1880 in the church.

The family can be found in the local 1885 census for Copenhagen:

København, København (Staden), Østerbrogade (ulige numre), Udb.Klædebo Kvarter, , Østerbrogade 57,Lægeforen.Bolig Litra O Stue, 9, FT-1885
Name:   Age:   Marital status:   Occupation in household:   Occupation:   Birth place:
Peter Madsen Mortensen   51    Gift   Husfader   Arbeidsmand,tilfældig   Skrøbelev,Langeland
Laurine Madsen Mortensen   41    Gift   Husmoder      Helsingør
Oscar Peter Mortensen   17    Ugift   Barn   arbeider paa Toldboden   Kjøbenhavn
Niels Peter Mortensen   14    Ugift   Barn      Kjøbenhavn
Helga Sophie Mortensen   12    Ugift   Barn      Kjøbenhavn
Alma Hansine Mortensen   10    Ugift   Barn      Kjøbenhavn
Klara Kathinka Mortensen   7    Ugift   Barn      Kjøbenhavn
Hertha Hedvig Astrid Mortensen   4    Ugift   Barn      Kjøbenhavn
Gerda Marie Caroline Mortensen   1    Ugift   Barn      Kjøbenhavn
Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

Lissa Pedersen

Hi Michael,

The mother was born Nielsen.

Sponsors: Madam (Ms) Dupont
Miss Mortensen

And the address in 1880 was also Lægefor. Bol. (Lægeforeningens Boliger). Here is a link:

and here:

You can translate by using


Lissa Pedersen

Hi Michael,

Do you ever read the answers you get on this forum? You never seem to respond to any!!


Michael Mortensen

My appologies for not replying. I did read your message and appreciated the links to the photos of the address for Peter Mortensen. Since I don't know Danish I find this new site a bit of a challenge. But I think I'm getting the hang of it. I continue to search the Skt Jakob church books for more information about Peter and Laurine's children. So far I've found one daughter who got married and hopefully that will lead me to information about the birth of any children.
Thanks again for your help.

Mike Mortensen
Gilford New Hampshire USA