Help is need from Aidt, Viborg

Startet af p sind, 21 Maj 2013 - 14:55

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p sind

Hi i hope somebody can help me with this. I am looking for a inger marit jacobsen born in Aidt 4 oct 1945 by klara jakobsen from Aidt. She moved out of aidt and left inger with her parentes Ejler vielem jakobsen and hulda marie hansen both from Aidt."where she moved to i dont know but would like to know" What i am trying to find out is if Inger is still alive or died if she marry and also if she got any children, she is my couisen which i have never meet. I am also looking for any other with in this family as i dont know if any of klara other brother's got any childern ." svend Aage Jakobsen and Jens A Jakobsen" i hope somebody can help me with this.
Kind Regards

Peter Kristiansen

To confirm place and time:

All Danish parishregisters are online and can be found here:

Amt: Viborg
Herred: Houlbjerg
Sogn: Aidt

Choose 1942-68
opslag 42

born 1945, October 4th

born: Aidt Mark, Aidt Sogn, Houlbjerg Herred, Viborg Amt
Inge Margit Jakobsen

Mother: Unmarried housekeeper Klara Jakoben, Aidt Mark, born January 23, 1927.

Baptised: 1945, October 1945, by the vicar in the church.

worker Ejler Vilhelm Jakobsen's wife Hulda Marie Hansen, Aidt
worker Aage Nielsen and wife Ane Marie Hansen, Sall
worker Thorvald Hansen, Gjere [??]

But finding her after so many years will be difficult I guess.
Remember to be carefull bringing informations here in public - she might still be living.
M.v.h. Peter Kristiansen

Gitte Johansen


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Gitte Johansen 8520 Lystrup

gittejohansen(snabel a)

p sind

Hi and thanks for coming back to me, first let me just say , yes i know to be careful not to give info about living peopler on here, which is way i did not put everything down that i got about Inger and her family. I do have alot of info refards the family and yes i have seen the photo of Inger and there is also some of her uncle there svend. I have been on Aidt website where i have found alot of info of the family, but there is just some few one's that i cant get or find. What i did not put down was that Svend is my dad, but he and my mum spilte up when i was very young, and i have not hear or seen anything of him since. When i told my mum i was doing my family tree she told me about Svend and about his other sister and brother, which i have found chuche records I also know that svend was marrige before my mum to somebody from lisbjerg and she said that he had two son's with this woman. She also told me about Klara having a daughter Inger and that she left her in Aidt and she herself move to lolland where she marry, and that Jens had a daughter called Joy, but i cant find anything to do with Joy and i dont know where Svends two sons are and where Inger is. And as they are my only living on my dad side i would love to find them or there children.Which i know is going to be hard to do, and that's why i am asking any of you if you can help me. Yes i do read danish but not vey good at writing it which is why i write in english.

Kind Reagrds
Pia ???

Annette Damgaard Hansen

Hi Pia.

I have send you a personal mail.

Best wishes from

Annette Damgaard