Looking for Signe Christensen from Esbjerg

Startet af Bjartmar Sigurdsson, 11 Sep 2012 - 14:24

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Bjartmar Sigurdsson

Dear all.
I am looking for Signe Christensen from Esbjerg. She was or is married to Gerhard Christensen. I have no birthdate for either of them but they are both born I would guess early 1900's.
Her brother was Svend Christian Pedersen and died in 1942.
Best regards
Bjartmar Sigurdsson

Lissa Pedersen

You will find the birth of Gerhardt Christensen on www.arkivalieronline.dk - Esbjerg parish, Skast district, Ribe county (1897-1901), opslag No. 35. Parents: Poul Christensen and Mette Kathrine Jensen.

You will find Signe Nielsine Pedersen (changed to Signe Nielsine Pedersen Roust) on opslag No. 8 same parish etc. (1901-1906). Parents: Christian Peter Pedersen and Nielsine Christine Nielsen.

In connection with both births you will find the marriage date of the parents.

Signe Roust is here in 1914 - try to find other members of the family at the same address: http://eba.esbjergkommune.dk/Esbjergs%20historie/Borgere/Esbjerg%20Borgerdatabase%201914/Detaljeside.aspx?qid=30765


Bjartmar Sigurdsson

Fantastic Lissa !!!!! I will take time to look at this tomorrow and try to find her relatives....
Thank you very much :) :)

Lissa Pedersen

Another option could be a Sine Karoline Dorthe Christensen, born Petersen. She is here in the database, living at the same address as a Gerhard Christensen in 1924: http://eba.esbjergkommune.dk/Esbjergs%20historie/Borgere/Esbjerg%20Borgerdatabase%201924/Borgerdatabasen%201924%20Detalje.aspx?qid=4628

She was born 11-08-1899 and can be found on opslag 115 in same parish as above (1897-1901). Parents: Peder Hansen Pedersen and Ane Bothilde Svendsen.


Lissa Pedersen

A daughter, Anna Margrethe Christensen, was born 27 May 1923, opslag 10 Vor Frelser parish in Esbjerg (1923-1928) to parents Gerhard Christensen and Sine Karoline Dorthea Pedersen.

Could be that you should concentrate on this family and try to find more children born in Vor Frelser parish! The couple was married 16 Jan 1921 in Vor Frelser parish, opslag 43 (1919-1927). It also gives their parents and birth dates.


Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Anna Margrethe Christensen was confirmed in Vor Frelser, Esbjerg on 20 Nov 1937, opslag 192 nr 7.  There address at that time was Englandsgade 23.

Fåborg    Barløse

Eva Morfiadakis


Hello Bjartmar,

Perhaps you should mention your original thread.

Now you have to contact the Borgerservice of any Danish town/city to get information on  A.M. C if she is alive and to get her latest/last adress. If usually costs 52 dkr (unless there has been price rise). However I have been told you don't pay if you write from abroad. Don't forget to mention your postal address in you e-mail. The office doesn't answer by e-mail abroad.

By the way have you been in touch with the people in Sweden whose address I gave you?

Eva M
Eva M

Bjartmar Sigurdsson

Thank you very much Lissa and Paul for the help :) And Eva thank you very much again. I actually had problems finding my old thread. No wonder I am having problems finding names of people from early 1900' :)

I had asked the arkiver in Esbjerg about Svend's sisters but they said that they had nothing about them...

Yes I am in touch with relatives of Annie Sjoblom in Sweden. I am actually in touch with all relatives from the crew of Annie exept Svend Christian Pedersen,Ole Larsen,and Christian Peder Larsen.


Bjartmar Sigurdsson

Just got a reply from Esbjerg Borgerservice : Dear Bjartmar
Anne Margrethe Christensen, she lives no more. Se died on 06.04.2006 unter the name Anne Margrethe Jørgensen.
Med venlig hilsen