1940 USA FT frigivet

Startet af Seidi Albertsen, 05 Apr 2012 - 21:15

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Seidi Albertsen

For alle jer, som har ventet paa at se USA 1940 folketælling!

Endnu er den jo ikke søgbar paa navne.
Der er mange frivillige igang med at taste oplysningerne ind, og
Family Search haaber at gøre den søgbar i september 2012.

Mvh Seidi Albertsen

News about the 1940 Census on line from Kimberly Powell's site:

/"The launch of the 1940 census on April 2 was far more popular
than even the experts predicted. Over 25 million hits (1.9
million users) in the first few hours brought the National
Archives 1940 Census website, hosted by Archives.com, to a
grinding halt. The National Archives reported that at one point
their servers were receiving up to 100,000 requests per second,
with each requested image being 10 MB+. //

...many other websites have been rapidly loading 1940 census
images on their websites from the minute of launch, with
Ancestry.com leading the pack. Best of all, every site hosting
the images is offering free access, and the first of the 1940
census indexes are also beginning to become available." /

Links to the 1940 census sites with their available images and
indexes is at
Everything is free unless indicated otherwise.

Good luck on your searches. And don't forget, the free One-Step
website at <www.stevemorse.org> for help in finding your family
before indexes are available for your locale.

John Nielsen

Hej Seidi

Tak for oplysningen.
Så må jeg igang igen med den Amerikanske gren.

Hilsen John Nielsen