Vognmand Aage Jensens død 1. juni 1944 iC

Startet af Inge Lyngby, 15 Mar 2012 - 12:27

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Eva Morfiadakis


I den engelska version står det under Armament under Ventral Turret att Lancaster planet under vintern 1943/44 utrustades till och med med 20 mm cannons.

Jag är inte expert på krigsflyg. Jag läste mer om The Lanc. Om jag förstod det rätt var det ett tungt bombflyg. Jag undrade om det kunde gå ner så lågt och sen kunna flyga upp igen. De här tunga planen kanske åtföljdes av snabba/lätta jaktflyg.

Eva M

Eva M

Inge Lyngby

Ja, nu er vi der, hvor det peger på et tysk fly, hvis der kun var  de 4 nævnte Lancaster engelske fly ind over området på det tidspunkt. Måske bliver spørgsmålet aldrig opklaret  ???
Venlig hilsen

Eva Morfiadakis


Jag skrev till min kontakt igen och frågade om han kunde ta reda på mer information om just de här flygplanen runt Aalborg om de hade 20 mm kanoner och om de kunde flyga så lågt.

Det bör finnas ett obduktionsprotokoll i vilket det förmodligen står vad typ av ammunition det var, men är ett sådant protokoll tillgängligt?

Eva M
Eva M

Vagn Altmann

Hej Eva,

Tak for dit link til den engelske Wiki-side. Det er virkelig interessant læsning og jeg giver dig ret, flyene fik 20 mm maskinkanoner.
Via et af de mange links i artiklen læste jeg, at ved et angreb på en dæmning i Rhurdistriktet, kastede Lancastermaskinerne specielle bomber fra en højde af kun 18 m, så de kunne godt have beskudt lastvognen i forbindelse med mineudlægning.

Jeg glæder mig til at læse svaret fra din engelske kilde.
Venlig hilsen

Vagn Altmann 6360

Eva Morfiadakis


Jag har redan fått svar (min kontakt är arkivarie på RAF Museum). Han skriver så här:

Thank you for your reply, while trials were conducted with equipping Lancaster aircraft with 20mm canon, I have found no evidence to suggest that these aircraft were ever used operationally. You are quite correct that the Lancaster would not /could not be used in a ground attack role as suggested by the eye witness account. Also these four unescorted aircraft were dropping mines at sea I can not see a reason why they would fly over land at Aalborg bringing them in close range of the airfield there and exposing themselves to greater risk of anti-aircraft fire and or fighter interception. I think, therefore that we can exclude these aircraft from attacking the lorry.

On the same night six Mosquito aircraft conducted a bombing raid at Aarhus docks, three Mosquito aircraft attacked between 0112 and 0131 hours, two marking aircraft also bombed the docks although visibility was poor. Some variants of Mosquito aircraft were equipped with 20mm canon and it is possible that on their return journey they may have crossed the Aalborg area and conducted a strafing attack, but this is pure speculation and would need further investigation. Unfortunately the records that the museum has does not specify from which unit the Mosquitos came from. If you are prepared to undertake the research I could provide you with a list of Bomber Command squadrons operating Mosquitos on this date and you could examine the Operations Record Books (unit dairies) of these units to see if any mention is made of such an event. Operations Record Books are held at the National Archives in Kew, London.

With regard to your thoughts of it being a German aircraft I can see no reason why a German aircraft would attack a vehicle in its own occupied territory and it is unlikely to have been an American aircraft as they largely conducted day operations.

Eva M
Eva M