translation, please

Startet af Robert Granbeck, 13 Nov 2010 - 14:00

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Robert Granbeck

Many thanks to Finn for helping me understand the last note! I have here another Nygaard note and I have no idea what it says. It seems to be a probate record regarding Ole Marie Aagaard, the daughter of Soren Christensen Aagaard (c1761-1844), forpagter of Kirketorp, Veggerby, Aalborg. What does it say? Thank you very kindly.
I have another question, too. I can only guess where Soren Aagaard was born, so I am starting with the churchbooks on AO for the towns around Veggerby. One likely place is Giver, where one of the three known "Aagaard" farms is located. As I read the entries in the churchbooks and censuses, I was surprised to find the name "Aagaard" used as placename, but the people living there didn't use "Aagaard" as their last name, they only use the old patronymic names. Then it struck me: What would be the point of calling yourself "Aagaard" while you were still living in Aagaard? It only makes sense if you are away from Aagaard. Are there any "rules" about this? Would anyone from Aagaard, whether landowner or simple farm worker, have the "right" to use the name? Searching is less conclusive when you have several "Soren Christensens" to choose from! Thanks Again!

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Robert Granbeck
Minneapolis, USA

John Damm Sørensen


The girl's real name is Olie Marie Aagard. If you search Nygaard for Olie you will find that see was born i 1786(picture ID 423713).
Using that information you can also find her in the 1787 census for Veggerby:
Aalborg, Hornum, Veggerby, Præstegaarden Kirketorp, , 76, FT-1787, A0684
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:    Stilling i husstanden:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Søren Aagaard   25    Gift   hosbonde   forpagter   
Sophie Dorethea Aagaard   22    Gift   madmoder      
Christen Sørensen Aagaard   3    Ugift   deres barn      
Olie Marie Aagaard   1    Ugift   deres barn      
Anders Mortensen   31    Ugift   tjenestekarl      
Christen Christensen   16    Ugift   tjenestedreng      
Jens Hendriksen   13    Ugift   tjenestedreng      
Anne Christensdatter   27    Ugift   tjenestepige      
Johanne Poulsdatter   15    Ugift   tjenestepige      
Mette Christensdatter   12    Ugift   tjenestepige      
Anne Jensdatter   9    Ugift   tjenestepige

Back to your original request for translation:

Aagaard, Olie Marie
from Krastrup
1805 2/8 writing to bishop Bloch
requesting the payment of her heritage
after her grandfather Søren Nors, in the past
a priest in Veggerby, though on her behalf
by an officially appointed curator.

In the 1801 census Olie Marie is staying at her mother's brother Otto Henrich Nors in Bislev:

Aalborg, Hornum, Bislev, Lundbech hovedgaard, , 89, FT-1801, B7045
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:    Stilling i husstanden:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Otto Henrich Nors   38    Gift   Huusbonde   forpagter af hovedgaarden Lundbech   
Kiersten Olesen   39    Gift   Hans kone      
Søren Nors   8    Ugift   deres barn      
Ole Nors   7    Ugift   deres barn      
Owe Christian Nors   2    Ugift   deres barn      
Olie Marie Aagaard   15    Ugift   mandens søsterdatter      
Svend Nielsen   43    Ugift   tjenestefolk      
Jens Madsen   21    Ugift   tjenestefolk   Dragon   
Conrad Wilhelm Willumsen   16    Ugift   tjenestefolk      
Niels Jensen   10    Ugift   tjenestefolk      
Giertrud Marie Larsdatter   31    Ugift   tjenestefolk      
Maren Ovesdatter   27    Ugift   tjenestefolk      
Karen Kierstine Pedersdatter   22    Ugift   tjenestefolk      
Karen Knudsdatter   19    Ugift   tjenestefolk


Robert Granbeck

Thank you very much for the traslation John! I wonder if anyone has any idea about the figures that appear in the middle of the document: 22 ?? 2 f 13 29/60 - would this be a reference to money or property? Would it be a lot of money or not so much?
I find that my notions of European class structure are challenged by the history of the Aagaard family at this time: Father Soren ceases being forpagter of Kirketorp a few years after the death of his first wife. His oldest son became a bookhandler/bookbinder in Randers Kobstad while Olie Marie went to live with her wealthy uncle at Lundbaek Hovedgaard (which was a baronial manor - see wikipedia) and sought an inheritance from her grandfather. Meanwhile, Soren remarried and seems to have spent his remaining years not far from Olie Marie in Bislev; the 1834 census has his occupation listed as "almisse lem" which I take to mean "alms recipient" - but also living with his son from a 2nd marriage, who was a "murer" or mason. The family seems to weave back and forth between the gentry and the working class.
One last thing I'd like to settle about Olie Marie: Nygaard has another note (see attachment) about an "Olive Marie Aagaard" who was buried in 1803 at 17 years of age - which makes her the same age as "Olie Marie" of the previous record. Nygaard's source is the "Ålborg V. fr. kb 391". What churchbook would this be? It's probably not the same person as Olie Marie, but I'll have to examine it to be sure.
Also, I'm still wondering "why are there no Aagaards in Aagaard?" (see original post). My sincere thanks to John and everyone else. This forum is a wonderful resource with great members. thanks!

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Robert Granbeck
Minneapolis, USA

John Damm Sørensen

Hi Robert,

Reference in the middle is indeed about money. 22 rigsdaler 2 mark and 13 29/60 skilling.
One rigsdaler = six marks = 96 skilling

When we had our monetary reform i 1873 one rigsdaler equaled two crowns. At that time the official term "daler" was no longer used, but in common language it was used for the coin having the value of 2 crowns. At least until late 60'ies when this rather large coin was taken out of circulation.

The parish record about Oline Marie Aagaard that nygaard is referecong is KB1778-1814 Ålborg Vor Frue, Fleskum, Ålborg, opslag 353 (page 391).

Why there is no Aagaards in Aagaard might be because there are very many farms named Aagaards in Denmark, and you might not have found the one this family got their name from.
