Kirkbogger problem??

Startet af Arlene Mabis, 16 Dec 2011 - 00:36

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Arlene Mabis

What happened to the recent years that had been put on-line?  Now they seem to have been taken off.
What happened to the recent kirkbogger records that had been put on-line.  They seem to have disappeared or is it my computer??

Arlene Mabis

Sorry, I did not think my post got sent so I wrote it again. It was my mistake. not my computer!!!!!

Lissa Pedersen

Hi Arlene,

There are - and have been - problems with Arkivalieronline /yesterday (our time) and today. That's what I have read and experienced.


Arlene Mabis

Hi, Lissa  I am sure they are working on the problem. I will wait for a few days and try again.

Erik Schaefer

How "new" are the records?  Most of the parishes I have seen stop in the 1930s or so.  Is there somewhere I can go for newer records?
Research areas of interest:
Hjarup / Vamdrup / Sonder Broby / Taps/ Vantinge

Gammel Rye / Them/ Vrads

Karen Graabæk Møller

Hi Erik (and Arlene)

The newest part of the project aims to get churchbooks out that were finished by 1950 - but it seems that they have expanded this to births, confirmations and marriages up to 1960 and deaths up to 1969 (starting with Copenhagen).

However, instead of scanning only books finished by these years, they now scan all books, and then publish the pages as the years go by according to the rules on public access. This means - I just realised this - that it is extra important to note down the page number (upper right corner usually) as well as the opslag number - since the opslag number might change everytime new pages are published.

Karen G. Møller

Arlene Mabis

Karen, thanks for the information on how they are releasing these records.  It helps to know their system for releasing the records.