Inger Svensen

Startet af Ruth Becker Morenz, 26 Okt 2011 - 14:04

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Ruth Becker Morenz

I have been looking for information/relatives of my great-grandmother, Inger Svensen, for quite a while.  What I know about her is that she was born on April 22, 1866 (according to her daughter's date book and her death certificate).  She married Axel Becker in Chicago, Illinois on October 28, 1985.  She had two children; Harry and Esther.  On both of their birth certificates it states that her birthplace was Nyborg, Denmark.
I have found the church records of her marriage and there is nothing there about her life/family in Denmark.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions as to where I should look now.  I have looked at different church records for Nyborg but did not find anything.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

Ruth Becker Morenz

Ole Westermann

Hi Ruth

In the emigration database I found this:

Name:  Svendsen, Inger   
Occupation:  Tyende* (kv. by)         *domestic servant
Age:  23
Destination:  Chicago, Ill.
Contract no.:  368700
Registration date:  4/7/1887
Last res. parish:  København
Last res. county:  København
Last residence:  Kbhvn.
Destination country:  USA
Destination city:  Chicago
Destination state:  Illinois
Name of ship:  Indirect
IDcode:  I8687S3508 

Could it be 'your' ggmother ? Do you know when she arrived to US ?
Did she marry 1885 or 1895 ? (you typed 1985)

I checked all parishes in Vindinge herred (district), where Nyborg lies. In none of them she was born at the date April 22, 1866.


Ruth Steenberg Rasmussen

Hi Ruth

Please always give information about old threads according to the same question.
That will save a lot of people for seaking the informations you already have:,679893

Kind regards

Paul Londahl-Smidt

Here is a Inger Christine Lovise Svendsen born on 28 April 1866 and baptized in vor Frue, Odense, Odense.

All persons in the household

Odense, Odense, Odense Købstad, Frederiksgade, , 77, Forhuuset 1 Etage, 634, FT-1870
Name:    Age:    Marital status:    Occupation in household:    Occupation:    Birth place:
Peder Svendsen   48    Gift   Huusfader   Arbeidsmand   Fredericia
Anne Magrete Frederiksen   45    Gift   Huusmoder      Kjærum Sogn, Odense Amt
Harald Alfred Laurits Svendsen   12    Ugift   Barn      Odense
Peder Christian Svendsen   9    Ugift   Barn      Odense
Christiana Jørgine Svendsen   6    Ugift   Barn      Odense
Inger Kristine Luise Svendsen   3    Ugift   Barn      Odense
Andreas Magnus Kjeld Svendsen   2    Ugift   Barn      Odense


Ruth Becker Morenz

Dear Ole,
I am so sorry.  The date they were married was 1895.  That could be my great-grandmother.  I really appreciate your help.  Thank you so much.

Ruth Becker Morenz

Ruth Becker Morenz

Dear Ruth,

Thank you for your suggestion about the old threads.  I had no idea about doing that.  I am very sorry.  I will be sure to include that in any future correspondence.

Ruth Becker Morenz

Ruth Becker Morenz

Dear Paul,

That is the closest I have come to finding her in Denmark.  Thank you so much for your help.  Everyone on this sight is amazing!

Ruth Becker Morenz

Homer Ficken

Citat fra: Paul Londahl-Smidt Dato 27 Okt 2011 - 01:19
Here is a Inger Christine Lovise Svendsen born on 28 April 1866 and baptized in vor Frue, Odense, Odense.

Paul, that Inger Christine Lovise Svendsen was born 26 February 1866

(Vor Frue 1863-1875 opslag 226 no 11)

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Location:  Texas USA
Areas of interest:  Tønder county,  Brede, Daler, and Visby parishes

Ruth Becker Morenz

Hi Homer,

Thank you for clarifying that.  I really appreciate your help.

Ruth Becker Morenz