Translation of Death Record

Startet af smith20, 04 Dec 2011 - 00:41

Forrige emne - Næste emne


Hello, I was hoping someone would be able to to translate the attached death record for me. I do not have the source so I am unable to provide this to assist. It's the bottom record, for Smidt that I am needing help with.
Thanks very much.

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Jesper Skov

Jegerup, Gram, Haderslev 1849-1885 opslag 404

Barnet Peter Hansen Smidt, ægte Søn af Inderste Hans Jør-
gensen Smidt og Kjersten Marie, født Veien?, i Maugstrup.
10 Mdr [Mdr = Maaneder], 14 Dage gammel.

Kind regards,

Jesper Skov